Preference 3

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On your first date with Jjong he took you to a coffee shop near SM late at night when you were helping him on write songs

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On your first date with Jjong he took you to a coffee shop near SM late at night when you were helping him on write songs. You both walked into the coffee shop and ordered the same thing, Bubble Tea. Both of you made it over to the last booth in the corner, you sat by the wall and he sat next to you. The whole night you both flirted and worked on writing songs.


Key took you to Changdeok Palace, specifically in the fall

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Key took you to Changdeok Palace, specifically in the fall. He would not stop being the mother he is and made sure that you were all warm and cozy. He even made you wear a scarf. During the date he would always hold your and and ask once in awhile of you were okay. Some fans did recognize him and asked for a few pictures but they were kind to let you both continue the date. By sunset he took for a walk while the sun was setting behind you both.


Taemin took you to Lotte World

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Taemin took you to Lotte World. One because he still acts like an adorable little kid and second  he wanted to have the most fun with you as possible. First he dragged you to the outside part of the theme park where they have most of the roller coasters. You were scared about a few but he reassured you since he was there he would protect you. When you both did the roller coasters he screamed louder than you did. After the fun outside, He took you inside and whet on a boat ride and roller skated. Once the day was almost over, he took you to a gift shop and bought you a princess crown and himself a prince crown.  


Onew took you to the Seoul Zoo

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Onew took you to the Seoul Zoo. He called you up and said he was taking you somewhere, that's it, end of story. Once he got you in the car, he blindfolded you and just to annoy him you would sing SHINee songs but not his parts. Once he parked he took blindfold off and you saw the sign. You hugged him as tight as you could and you both went into the zoo. Throughout the day, the both of you saw many animals like lions, zebras, foxes and much more. At lunch you both sat down and had his favorite; Chicken. And after his last bite a bird flew and landed on his shoulder which you couldn't help but laugh at and the thing about it the bird didn't leave for about 5 minutes. After that little adventure, he bought you a pair of kitty ears and placed them on your head.


 Minho took you to the aquarium

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 Minho took you to the aquarium. He took you around to see everything. The Dolphins were doing tricks when you go to their tank. The Penguins where all huddled near each other. The sharks swam past eerily. Next you took him to where you can touch some of the sea life like stingrays and starfish. He even took you to the gift shop and bought you a shark hat. Towards the end of the trip he took you to the dark area of the aquarium where the jellyfish were. The jelly fish were glowing under a small hint of black light.  You gazed at the fish when Minho turned you towards him and gave you a sweet gently kiss to end the day. 

(Sorry guys for a late update. Its currently almost 3:30 am and I'm so so so tired but I wanted to get an update done. Later today I will have another update. Right now I'm trying to take it a bit easy while I can before I start my virtual school Monday and Wednesday . ALSO I wanted to tell you guys about a New story I posted a few days ago called "One Last Hope." I feel like this is the best one I have written yet and it would mean a lot if you checked it out and it does have some feels in it just a warning. Plus just for fun, What was your Favorite SHINee comeback/ release? Thanks everyone!!~) 

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