Vocal lessons (Jonghyun)

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(Finally back to writing sorry guys for the long wait, school has been keeping me busy,BUT IM BACK FOR GOOD! I apologize if this one shot is a bit boring I'm just getting back into the habit of writing what feel right to me then writing an argumentative assessment, on the bright side I'm learning Korean phrases for my writing)

As I walked down the side walk in the cool fall air of Seoul, listening to the latest SHINee song as I walk to my private vocal lessons my umma signed me up for. I wasn't too pleased when she just told me yesterday that she signed me up but she paid money for me and I'm being grateful.

School just ended for the day so lots of kids are still wandering around with friends.

As I walked up to a modern white building ,and checked an address my umma gave me I was taken off guard when I saw a sign near the entrance say "SM entertainment." My jaw nearly fell to the floor,I turned away trying not to fan-girl over that fact that my vocal lesson is here,then again my umma could been mistaken.

Once my fangirling was over,I walked into the building,inside the lobby was white and posters of the least group comebacks or debuts were hanging. On the circulations desk was the SMtown logo in their signature pink. Behind the desk was a lady in about her 30s,I slowly walked up to the desk and she noticed me.

"Annyeonghaseyo, how may I help you" she greeted sweetly .

I bowed my head a little bit then spoke. "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm here for vocal lessons" I said as normal as I could.

"Can I have your first and last name please"

"(Y/n),(l/n)" I suddenly started to get nervous. I looked around as she looked for my appointment,I continued to look at all the posters in awe. After 3 minutes passed, she handed me a pass to wear and some to escort me to the room I would going to until my lessons are completely done.

Before entering the room I turned off my music and put my phone on vibrate,my escort opened the door and let me walk in. When I walked in I saw a male with blonde hair,he was writing stuff on what I think was a music sheet. The escort cleared their throat and introduced me. The male turned in his chair and I saw it was the one and only Kim Jonghyun. I bowed to him gently and he gave me a smile.

"Nice to meet you (y/n) I can't wait to teach you everything I know." He was smiling and I'm trying not to fangirl.

I smiled gently as I sat across from him,we talked for a bit telling each other about what we like,music genre etc. Amazingly we like a lot of the same things.

"(Y/n) can you sing so I know what you need help on."

"Oh, yes of course" I cleared my throat and started singing.(The YouTube video above.) There was a few mistakes here and there,once I finished Jonghyun smiled at me again.

"We have a little work to do but I was great." As he looked at the time disappointment was written on his face, he wrote something down on a paper, folded it, and handed it to me.

"Today's lesson was amazing, and it's nice meeting you (y/n), make sure you rest that voice tonight,I'll see you next week" He gave me that signature smile again and he let me go,truthfully I had fun and can't wait to go back.

After the long trip home and my umma working late I almost forgot the paper Jonghyun gave me. I think this day isn't real at all I just met the lead singer of my favorite group ever. I walked to my room and took out the paper, I gently unfolded it. My eyes widen when I saw something I would have never seen in all my life, on the paper was Jonghyun phone number and under it saying "Here I am~." That night I stayed up texting the idol that I thought that I would never meet but now that's changed.


*The song from the video above is from a drama I just finished called secret garden and it's on Netflix and Hulu and I think Drama Fever*

(Thank you for reading everyone I will try to post daily or weekly mattering on my schedule and if I don't get writers block. Also don't be shy to send me request I'll try the best I can to write them. But thank you again and I'll see you guys next time, bye-bye!!)

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