Authors note

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Hello everyone is whovin123 also know as Jackie, i'm here to update you guys about this book and the future to this book. First and for most I will try and update as much as I can now since its summer, I have a lot of free time on my hands since I have no school till the end of summer. I plan to release Onew's one shot sometime this week, I've been having major writers block but I think I have it covered it and then will have request open.

When I open request up I will have of course my messages open, if you would like to inbox me on Tumblr you can and I recently made blogger webpage so I will have that open as well.

And please check it out if you can. I do reviews and such about whats happening in the KPOP universe today.

Thank you everyone for your patients with slow updates from myself and I will try yet again to update as soon as I can.

Jackie out!!~ 

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