unexpected greeting (key)

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It was just a normal summer day in Seoul South Korea, busy traffic, the smell of delicious food around every corner, couples strolling hand and hand, and joy in the air. I was walking down the sidewalk with a checklist of clothes to buy for a friend of mine, who is currently in japan with her boyfriend. She has told me about the SMTOWN Coex artim which I have hear of but never been to.

I glanced down at my phone to find directions to this place when my phone died.

"Ashi! Stupid phone." I shoved my phone back into my pocket and noticed bystanders staring at me with some puzzled and few blank faces. I bowed a little and apologized for me little outburst. Now I relied on the lovely people of the streets to help me find my way.

But the huge problem is that I'm a bit shy when I talk to strangers. I traveled down the sidewalk to find a department store, I sighed in relief.

As I approached the attractive department store I viewed the fancy, expensive clothing. In the display window was a long black strapless dress with sparkly gems at the top then leading down the dress it sparkled in the light, next to that was a cute outfit, it was a vintage light brown shirt with cursive writing on the front of it with an army studded jacket around it, red skinny jeans and black boots. Is this a place for idols or what?

As I slowly opened the door a teenage girl greeted me she wore Jonghyun's SHINee world 2 shirt, ripped blue jeans and black converse, I bowed slightly and gave her a small gentle smile, I started to open my mouth to say something, but got interrupted by her boss so I decided to look around what the store had to offer. It was even fancier in the inside, very classy. As I strolled around aimlessly until I bumped into someone which cause me to fall on my butt and them to drop the clothes they had in their hands.

"im so sorry for that I wasn't paying attention" I helped that person pick up their clothes. As I felt that person lift me to my feet I was face to face with a red head male (Tokyo dome red hair) with brown eyes, ear piercings. We gazed into each other's eyes, it felt like time was frozen. Then he decided to speak up.

"I'm Key." his voice was gentle.

"I um. Im (Y/N)." we shook hands and I helped him to the register.

"So (Y/N), were you looking for anything special" That's when it popped back to me about the checklist.

"Well I was supposed to find this place for my friend called SMTOWN Coex artim, but my phone died well yeah" he looked back at me and smiled gently

"I can take you there I have some time before I have to go home" when he finished buying his clothes we trudged and finally found the place. I bought the things for my friend and then me and key hung around for a while and had a date-not-a-date. I checked the time and it was almost closing. Key was such a gentleman and drove me home.

As we stood at my door step I gazed at him, he slowly leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed deeply and he gave me a slip of paper and smiled gently at me.

"Goodnight (Y/N)."

"Goodnight Key." He slowly strode back to his car, when he got in he waved at me, I waved back and I watched as he slowly drove away from my house, down the street and into the distance. I looked down at the slip of paper to see his number and a heart next to it saying 'call me'. Truly the best day ever.

Thanks for reading, comment for any request you want and i will try my best to write them!

bye guys!

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