soccer day (Minho)

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Today is the big day! Trainees vs. Idols soccer game. I'm currently a trainee under SM entertainment which is my 3rd year and will be debuting very soon. Currently the group I'm in is five members. The leader and vocals Eun, Myeong the lead dancer, Gi the rapper, finally my best friend Areum and I which we are lead vocals.

When arrived at the soccer stadium with my group members a few men in black shirts with 'security' written on the back of them approached us and escorted us to the trainee lock room area. When we entered we saw many friends, friends we have made through the years, younger trainees to older trainees. Once our manger found us, he gave us our uniforms. They were pink with the SM logo on it. On the back had our names, Trainee then a number. Once our manager left we changed and talked with the other trainees.

"Unnies, we will win against the idols I'm very sure of it." Eun cheered and smiled brightly "fighting!" everyone in the locker room screamed.

~time skip~

"NOW WELCOME THE SMTOWN TRAINEES!" The announcer shouted into the microphone. The boys walked out first then the girls. On the other side of the field the idols were there, each group had their fan color and their logo, SHINee had the diamond and the jerseys aqua blue, Girls' Generation had the crown from their first album and hot pink jerseys, etc.

As we sat in our spots as the coach told us the plan, so far Gi and I were in the game with some other trainees. We got onto the field the other players on the team was Teayeon and Yuri from SNSD, Jonghyun and Minho from SHINee, Luna and Amber from F(x), Kia and D.O. from Exo and Kyuhyun and Ryeowook from SUJU.

After 20 minutes I got the ball and dribbled it down to the goal and got it in, Minho came up and pat my back saying "good job, you're a great player."

"Thanks, you too." I smiled gently as I got back in position.

After the game Minho ran up to me.

"Hey, I never got your name"

"(Y/N), you played great today I really look up to you, you're awesome." I saw a smile creep to his face.

"You've got some moves (Y/N)... I was wondering if maybe.. You would like to practice together some time" I giggled at his nervousness.

"Yes Minho I would love to."

Since that wonderful day a great friendship started, maybe a strong relationship in the future.

Thanks for reading!

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