Dance Battle (Taemin)

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May 15th 2011, After M! Countdown.

The crowd roars with cheers louder than expected. SHINee has made a surprise guest appearance at M! Countdown right before the group Light Fade is supposed to preforms their comeback track The Best. Light Fade consist of four members. Yuki, 16 years old. The main vocalist, with light brown locks fading to a golden blonde. Bora, 15 years old. The visual of the group, with short black hair fading to an aqua blue. Jia, 19 years old. The lead rapper and team captain, with red hair. Finally, (y/n), 17 years old. The lead dancer with (H/C).

Light Fade debuted a year after SHINee and is on the same popularity level as them. They have gone head to head in the past when both SM and Lexar, (the label Light Fade is under) decided to do their comebacks at the same week in 2010. This made both groups become closer and made them great friends afterwards. But, the fans spoke differently upon the situation. The hardcore fans from each group would bash on them and cause trouble during that comeback time. The labels just told them to try and deal with the situation. So this lead to the groups to go undercover to hang out in public.

~After the performances, all the other groups are on stage~

Light Fade has won this week's trophy and everyone is congratulating them when a close friend of theirs also the MC for the night.

"Congratulations to Light Fade!" They say and the crowd cheers. "But how about we have a Kpop battle between SHINee and Light Fade next month." The crowd cheers louder and this is where our story begins.

~Few months later~

*Your POV*

"We are Light Fade; we can do this!" Jia shouted in triumph and we cheered with her. Today was the battle of the groups; SHINee vs. Light Fade. The day after it was announced we went to the SHINee dorm to talk with them about it and we agreed this was only going to be for fun. Also since it was announced, our agencies had us working hard a few days a week practicing on vocals and dancing. Also, on the days when we weren't practicing, we would be at meetings, working on school related things and even working on a Japanese debut. SHINee has told us they just finished recording the Japanese version of Lucifer and will be headed to Japan after the battle.

I sat in front of the mirror as the makeup and hair specialist finished me up. I had my ear buds in listening to the song I was supposed to dance while Yuki and Bora talked next to me.

"What if Jonghyun uses is special weapon, then what?" Yuki started as she added a clip in her hair.

"Well easy, hit the high note." Bora says while texting Minho dibidibdis over and over.

"Unnie put the phone down!"

"Im sorry but dibidibdis called me a want to be Taemin." I held in the laugh and Jia looked over to the three of us.

"Don't worry I call him Mr. Soccer man with a plan." I say and they laugh.

After my comment, our amazing manager walks in with our dance instructor carrying four gift baskets all different colors.

"Omo, what is this?"Bora got up and saw each one had our names on it. Our manager gave us ours and said that its almost show time. We all got up and and the crew put the mic pack on us and we headed to the side of our stage. Across from our side we can see SHINee in their stylish fashion like always.

 Across from our side we can see SHINee in their stylish fashion like always

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Soon the lights dim and from across the stage, me and Taemin make eye contact, and of course its Taemin he decides to wink at me

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Soon the lights dim and from across the stage, me and Taemin make eye contact, and of course its Taemin he decides to wink at me. I swear he always makes my heart race. Then the music turns on and they run on stage preforming Lucifer.

Right before they get behind each other we run on stage and our music comes on and catches them off guard. I gave a sly smirk to Taemin and the rest of the boys before I turned my attention back to the crowd. When the song ended the crowd cheered for us and we bowed to the boys.

~The Dance Battle~

Everyone else have gone up but me and Taemin

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Everyone else have gone up but me and Taemin. First it was Yuki and Jonghyun. Next was Jia, Key and and Minho. Then Bora and Onew. Finally Me and Taemin. The crowd cheered and chanted over and over. Crew members put the last finishing touches on me and got me ready for the stage. I got on a platform under the stage and see Taemin next to me.

"Good luck (Y/NN)." he says with a smile.

"Good luck Oppa." I say back returning the smile.

 The lights go off and only a few thin red lights shine where Taemin rises from and blue ones shine where I rise, the stage floor is split blue and red. Red lights shine on Taemin's side and the music play soon hes busting moves left and right. The a blue light shines on my side and we go back and forth to then at the end to spin and be face to face with one another and the lights black out again and we are lowered back under the stage. Taemin smiles down at me and grabs my hand as a slight blush appears to my cheek. He leads us to the others and we all wait for the votes. after about 10 minutes of goofing off and having fun they tell us it time and we make our way to the stage, and crowd cheers again. Tiffany from SNSD walks out because she is the MC for the night.

"Alright, the votes are in and....ITS A TIE." We go onto congratulate each other and have a bit of fun with the fans. After we head back to our dressing room, SHINee was rushed to the airport before we could even say goodbye. I sit in front of the blue gift basket signed to me and slowly unwrap it. There are my favorite candies, few makeup products, even my favorite flower.

Then I stumble upon two letters, The first one was a long letter all the boys wrote together, all joking around and having fun. But the other letter had Taemin's hand writing and six little words written in it. 'Will you go out with me?' 

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