The Designer (Jonghyun)

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Requested by Kimsu07


Working as SHINee's fashion designer wasn't the easiest job it the world. When you find out the comeback theme, the team and I are working all day and night to find the perfect outfit for each member. I've been working with SHINee since their Juliette era, and been working on everything they do; Japanese comebacks, Korean comebacks, tours etc. Not to mention but I travel with them during these times and your the youngest on the design team. At first it was just an internship but the CEO himself thought I had ton of potential and added me to the team for good. Just last year I was promoted to the team manager because of my work with Girls' Generation's Paparazzi when SHINee was just finishing their Sherlock comeback.

Today SM tells us the next comeback theme is for their mini album Everybody. On arrival to the office, I carry some magazines in one hand and my computer case hanging off my shoulder. My (H/C) is tied into a ponytail,as well as wearing a black tank top with a red flannel and dark blue jean shorts with black boots while wearing eyeliner and red lipstick. My white and pink SM ID hangs around my neck and the usual  lady at the front desk let me in. As I waltz my way to the elevator and waited for it to come I was already sparking ideas for the outfits knowing that I still didn't know the theme yet. As I got in and pressed to button to the second floor I catch someone say "WAIT HOLD THE DOOR." and a familiar white haired male runs into the elevator.

"(Y/N), Hi, its great to see you again." He heaved as he put his hands on his knees. I slightly giggled at the sight of him, quickly reached into the side of my computer bag and took out a water bottle and handed it to him. He gladly took it and chug half the bottle.

"Still the clumsy Jonghyun I've met years ago." I teased him as he gave me a joking glare. "What you know its true."

"At least i'm not 5'2"." He stated as he puts his hands in his hood with a smirk plastered on his face looking straight ahead at the elevator doors. I gasps at his comment then smirk myself.

"Remember Jonghyun, I'm your fashion designer, i'll make sure this comeback you're dancing in a chicken suit." And with that the elevator binged and the doors open. Before I walk out I glance at him to see the smirk gone and his mouth agape. Now a smirk made its way to my lips as I walked to the meeting room. Walking in I see the rest of SHINee seated together and their manager there as well, the CEO was seated at the very end of the table talking with SHINee's manager. The boys were messing around as always and some of my team at the other side of the table. I took my seat across from Taemin, my best friend. We got along a week after I joined the team and we both understands the pain of being the youngest on a team. Ever since then we have been know as 'The Troublesome Two' because we like to mess with our Unnies and Hyuns.

"Maknae 2, anything fun happen on your break." Taemin said in his innocent voice like always.

"Maknae 1, No I just slept all day and watched up on my dramas I've been missing." I respond with a small smile. Few moments later, Jonghyun walks in and takes a seat next to Taemin, Jonghyun joined are conversation and at the same time started up my computer.  

SHINee's manager stood up and started to speak.

"Alright, now that everyone's here, we can start the meeting." He continued to talk about the tracks, so on and so forth and then talked about the theme. That's when Onew stood up.

"The group and I have decided to do a type of military theme but serious theme." I nodded and types all the notes I needed. As the meeting ended everyone filed out of the room and my team started to get to work. We found the military outfits that would work best and I sent them out on order with all different colors, but most importantly the ones that for the photo shoot and music video shoot.

After hours of working and staring at a computer screen for hours it was finally time to head home. As I packed up and headed out I heard one of the songs off their mini album playing, the main track. I headed closer to the sound to realize its coming from the music room. I peak my head in to see Jonghyun practicing at the mirror wearing a black tank top, a white and black snap back I got him last year during our trip to France, he also had black jeans on and black and white Nikes.

I opened the door more and leaned against the door frame. Halfway through the dance he noticed me when he looked at the mirror and gave me a gentle smile.

Once the song ended, he grabbed his water bottle from earlier and then made his way over to the black couch in the corner of the dance room.

"Do you think I can still dance in a chicken suit dancing like that." A smirk played on his lips again.

"Absolutely, I think so." I teased again. I closed the door and made my way over to him as he sipped on the water. "Maybe I can have you dress as Mickey Mouse."

He smiled gently and got up to walk over to me. In a flash he but his hands on my waist and his pink lips met my red ones. For a few moments I stood in shock but soon kissed back, the kiss was nice and sweet. Jonghyun slowly let go and rested his damp sweaty forehead on mine.

"Do you still want to go with the chicken suit." He asked with now a smile to his lips.

"Maybe." I say as a smile meets my lips.


So how was that? This has to be the longest one shot I have ever wrote. Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. See you Shawols on the next one

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