The tutor (Taemin)

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(Here's another one shot 😀)

I walked onto the familiar campus I have learned to love,wearing my classic white and plaid uniform. I walk through the halls looking for my locker before heading to class.

In the class everyone is with their friends talking and gossiping,I over hear a group of girls talking about a new student.

"He's so cute and young" one said.
"I know, unnie do you think he will hang with us" another one said.

The bell finally rang, and everyone sat down. After a few minutes our teacher Ms.Kim walked in with a student I never seen before behind her.

"Class." She spoke nicely. "Please welcome our new transfer student Lee Taemin." Everyone looked at him,he nervously smiled, Ms.Kim pointed to an empty seat next to me.

"Taemin you can sit in the empty seat next to (y/n)." I gently waved and looked down at the desk a little, I'm shy in front of new people and especially the new kid is gonna be sitting next to me.
Once Taemin sat down class got started,we took notes and did work like normally. Halfway into class, Taemin finally spoke up.

"Excuse me, I wanted to know if you could help me I'm confused." I looked up a little and nodded and helped him. I was a bit quite but he understood what I was saying. After that the bell rang for everyone to head home. On our way out of school Taemin stopped me.

"(Y/n), thanks again for the help, I hope we can get to know each other more." He said with a cheeky smile and walked away while waving at me. What a school year this is going to be.

(A/N: Hello everyone i'm back now from my long disappearance a lot of things have happened including me making a another book called the 'The Long Awaited Visit' that's the reason I haven't been updating in this book a lot. But I have many ideas for this book this year and I hope to get to them. I'm always opened for suggestions feel free to ask and i'm truly sorry this chapter is short but i promise my next Taemin one shot is longer, thank you all for reading and remember. 

SHINee fighting!~)

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