Challenge Accepted

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So I might have forgotten about the complaints last night and flew past room 413 ignoring the obnoxiously loud music coming from behind the door, but I knew I’d have to face Hood at the monthly hall meeting; which was today.

“Hello everyone please come sit down.” Ashton said as we walked into his room which was apartment style since he was the Hall Director. “So, this month our theme for housing is community. This means instead of just working on bonding for our floors we are trying to get the whole building if not school to be involved. It also means we will be working in pairs. I will work with Harper to plan a mini event to start the month.”

“Sounds good.” Harper smiled. She and Ashton had been dancing around each other for the past year, so it was no surprise that he would pair them together.

“Then Luke and Michael you will work on something that helps the building.” Ashton continued which made me internally groan because it meant I was stuck with, Calum. “Finally Calum and Amelia will plan a big event to end the month that includes the whole school.”

“Is that all?” I asked wanting to get out of the meeting since I could feel Calum smirking at me.

“Yes.” That was all I needed to go to the elevator and press the up arrow, but little did I forget someone else always used the elevator.

“Hey babe when do you wanna work on our project?” He asked pressing his floor and leaning against the wall.

“I have a name, and I don’t know I need to get ready for the day, so maybe I’ll come check on what you’re doing after.”

“I’d like to be doing you/” He winked as the elevator opened. “Can’t wait to see you honey.”

“I have a name!” I yelled as the elevator closed. I groaned as the water from the shower hit my body. I did NOT want to work with Calum on anything, but I guess things could be worse. I didn’t stay in the shower long before wrapping a towel around my body and heading out to get changed. Finding underwear and a bra weren’t hard and picking out a pair of shorts was easy, but I didn’t know what top I wanted to wear.

“Nice ass.” I stood up and spun around to see Calum smirking as he leaned against my door.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I huffed crossing my arms over my chest forgetting I was in just a bra.

“I got bored and I thought you might be ready finally, but I like my timing a lot.” He winked. “By the way red is totally your color.”

“You couldn’t at least knock?” I groan picking up the first top I found which happened to be a Pink Floyd grey tank.

“Wouldn’t be as fun. Plus I have a key to all the rooms, so why waste the time knocking?” He shrugged pushing himself off the door and sitting on my bed. “So, for our activity I was thinking about just throwing a bomb as party.”

“Is that all you think about?” I said sitting at my desk.

“Do you have a better idea?”

“Well, since you want to party how about we at least make it a fancy one and put on a formal?”

“So like suit and tie and long dresses?” He puckered his lips looking at the ceiling as if he was thinking about it actually, “I like it.”


“Yeah, I mean it will at least keep the party to a nice level if people are all dressed up. We can just call it a black tie event-“

“Wait, our activity will be on Halloween-“

“I don’t get the point babe.”

“Maybe we should do a costume party instead. I know I was originally against the party idea, but it is Halloween, so…” I trailed off biting my lip hoping he didn’t hate the idea. Instead of talking though he pulled my chair towards him catching me off guard as his hand cupped my cheek and he used his thumb to tug my lip from my teeth.

“I can’t concentrate when you do that.” He said leaning back away from me, “But once again I don’t mind the party scene, I don’t know if Ashton will really approve it however.”

“How about we just ask him?” I shrug and Calum pulled out his phone.

“Hey Ash so we have some questions…” He nodded along as he talked and I found myself way to attached to watching his lips move. Get it together Amelia.


“Halloween party approved. He said we could probably just reserve the ballroom, to where it makes it seem like a fancier party.”

“Awesome, so were done for today, right?”

“I guess we can make signs sometime this week, and Ashton said he also wants to reconvene tomorrow to discuss the different activities.”

“So you can leave now?” I asked happy to see him out of my hair for the day.

“Yeah right babe I totally am the RA on duty tonight and I have to make sure you’re not causing too much noise, you know we don’t want you having people complaining about you.” He winked making me roll my eyes.

“You can’t call me Amelia just once?”

“What’s the fun in that?” I sighed turning to my laptop and putting in ear buds. If he was going to be here I was going to ignore him. I saw my phone light up and looked at it.


Hey, stop ignoring me! BABE


I rolled my eyes ignoring it and going back to working


You look really hot and I can totally see your matching red underwear sticking up from your shorts…


I once again ignored it and began typing a paper that was due Monday hoping he’d get the message. With no message I thought I was safe, but then I felt a hot breath on my neck and continued typing.

“Why are you ignoring me?” I felt his hot breath on my ear after he had taken out one of my earbuds to whisper in it.


“You don’t like this? Me getting you all riled up.” I removed my other ear bud and stood up.

“Would it really be such a surprise that a girl finally says no to the great Calum Hood? That some girl at this school DOESN’T want to be in your bed? Well surprise, because you finally found her.” I crossed my arms as is face turned to pure shock. “Yeah I might have been a naïve freshman last year, but news flash Calum the only reason I was talking to you today was over some stupid activity we HAVE to plan together. I’m not your toy.”

His smirk scared me a bit as he walked towards me and soon enough my back found a wall. He placed a hand on each side of my head then leaned down so his lips hovered over my ear. “Challenge accepted. You think I can’t get you, you better watch out babe. You might just fall in love.”

Then he was gone. I fell to the ground flushed red and not knowing what to do. Challenge. Is that what he thinks I am? Well he’s in for quite the game. “Better not fall in love Hood. Two can play at this game.”


So this has really twisted a bit from what I was going to originally do, but I like this a lot better! What will the other community activities be?

Upcoming Chapters:

Another Meeting

Mini- Event

Building Event

Some more Calmelia run ins

Oh, and Calum’s POV!

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