Playing Games

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Calum’s POV

“And she wasn’t going. Like I am Calum Hood, I get any girl I want.” I groaned talking to Luke and Michael about what happened yesterday between Amelia and I. She was the only girl in her year that didn’t want to get with me, and it’s frustrating.

“You know sometimes there’s a thing called being turned down, and dude it just happened.” Luke said patting my shoulder making me roll my eyes.

“There’s no such term for me. I NEVER get turned down.”

“Looks like one little sophomore just did it.” Michael laughed. He and Luke were enjoying this way too much; which just made me more frustrated. That’s when I realized it was time for us to meet in Ashton’s room, so we all headed down.  “You get to see her.”

“Shut it Michael.” I groaned as we entered the room where Ashton and Harper were sitting on his couch and Amelia was sitting on his kitchen counter typing away on her phone. The worst thing about her being the only girl in her year to turn me down is she’s the hottest. She only was 5’2” but her legs seemed as if they could go for miles, and although she was small she had the perfect curves.

“Calum are you going to take a seat?” Ashton asked and it pulled my thoughts away from the girl on the counter as I pulled a chair for me to sit on. She happed off the counter and pulled over a chair sitting across from me.

“Okay so Ashton and I are going to do a little movie marathon thing this weekend and since it is October the movies will be horror!” Harper smiled and I watched Amelia bite her lip. I really hated when she did that because it made her look even hotter.

“Luke and Michael?” Ashton asked and they smirked.

“Well you know the washers suck so an Auction to raise money.” Luke smirked

“An auction to buy a date with an RA/ Hall Director.” Michael continued.

“If you can make it pass with Julie then it’s good.” Ashton said. Julie was the Dean of Students and I knew that she’d approve anything to fix up the building. “And Amelia and Calum.”

“Well were going to do a Costume party, in the ballroom.” She smiled.

“Okay then you two will have to work together a lot to get things prepared. Meeting over get out.” Ashton announced and I smirked at her.

“Hey honey might just want to come right over so we can get to work on things.” I teased making her roll her eyes. “Or I can come to yours.”

“How about you just work on getting a DJ and I’ll work on signs.” She said as we got on the elevator and I just pressed her floor. “What are you doing Hood?”

“Ashton said we have to work together.” I got an idea and it made me smile. “You know it’s all about building community. So, we have to have a solid relationship for this to all work out.”

“Whatever, but please can we not do all the sexual innuendos. I don’t want to deal with it.” She said as we stepped off the elevator.

“Can’t promise anything babe.” I shrugged as she unlocked the door. I sat on her bed and she grabbed her laptop sitting next to me, and for the next hour I was good as we made signs and came up with a list of things to do. I had been antsy to be distracting, but she always started talking as soon as I was going to say something.

“Okay awesome now I need you to leave my room, I have a lot of homework, and I cannot work with you in here.” She said closing her laptop setting it down and standing.

“Am I that much of a distraction for you honey?” I smirked and she turned glaring then had a matching smirk. She stood between my legs and placed her lips next to my ear.

“You know Hood I know you want to play this little game of seduction. You want to get me all turned on just to leave me the next day. But you better watch out or you’ll be the one wanting more.” She stood up again and left me in a bit of a daze. Does she think she can win at my own game? “Oh and you might one to take a cold shower.”

“What-“I looked down and saw the hard on in my jeans.

“Bye.” She waved opening the door.

“Oh you want to play this game. Get ready honey.”

Amelia’s POV

“You didn’t!” Harper laughed as I told her about earlier.

“But I did!” I smiled so happy about the way I worked Calum up. He had started this and it was my turn in the game.

“You better be careful A, you know that Calum is a player, and I don’t want you to be the one hurt.” Harper said and I sighed.

“You know I’m just having fun. Can't I be the Player instead of being played.” In high school I dated a lot. One after another each played me to the fullest, but I just couldn't stop falling for the wrong guys.

“I know and I think you might be trying to hard to fit the Blank Space lyrics.” She laughed, "You know you love the player and he loves the game."

“It’s okay Harper just let me have fun with this. Okay?” She nodded and we hugged thinking it was finally time to split apart and rest up for classes tomorrow. I couldn’t stop thinking about him though. Damn you Calum Hood…


Just a bit of a filler before the Horror movie marathon…

So to come:

Horror Movie Marathon (and fun fact about Amelia, she hates scary movies!)

RA/HD Date Night Auction


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