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Amelia’s POV

I couldn’t stop him. I let him continue kissing me, because it felt so good. His lips felt so right even though I knew he was doing it out of hurt and not of love or even lust. I understood though, the feeling of wanting to forget. I didn’t ever use the method of someone else, but I knew how he felt.

“I want to forget. I want her gone. Out of my mind.” Calum muttered between kisses and began kissing down my neck. It was so wrong for me to want to let him continue. I knew I should stop him, but every kiss sent a new spark of electricity through me.

“Then forget her. I’m here.” I whispered pulling him by the hair to look me in the eyes. “Let me help you.”

He carried me to my bed and hovered over me as he kissed down my neck and stomach stopping at my jeans. “Can I?”

“We should stop.” I finally got my senses together and sat up sighing as he looked at me with knitted eyebrows. “I mean I want this. I want you. But not like this. You don’t want me.”

“I do.” He said his eyes clouded with darkness. I got up picking up a new top forgetting about my blood stained hip.

“You don’t. You said it yourself. You love her. I want to help you Calum, but not like this. Not in a way that’s going to break me in the process.”

“I’m sorry.” He muttered looking at the ground as he sat on the edge of my bed. He looked like a puppy who had just been told to stop chewing on something. I sighed standing in front of him and lifting his face up by his chin.

“You’ll get through this. You just have to move on, but not as in on top of someone. More like maybe playing the dating game again.” I told him smiling and he gave a sad smile.

“Maybe you’re right. Could you help?”

Calum’s POV

It was my fourth date in the last two weeks. Amelia, Harper, Justine, and Trinity had all helped to set me up with sensible girls, but none of them held my interest. I had also talked to Michael who said he was sorry, he didn’t realize. He also said though they weren’t serious.

“Thanks for the dinner.” The blonde on my arm giggled as I walked her up to her dorm room. “You could come in if you want?”

“No thanks.” The same situation had happened on each date and each time I said no. I was sure that I was still in love with my ex. At least I thought until today.

“Calum Hood.” Her voice was distinct. I turned to see her smiling at me and I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. Then why I was so angry when I saw her with Mikey?

“Hey Elizabeth.” I said quickly walking by her. I immediately found my bike and rode to the edge of my cliff. It overlooked a beautiful scene and made me feel at peace as I tried to think about what happened two weeks ago.

“Luke can you come to my cliff?” I asked after calling him and he agreed immediately meeting me there in under twenty.

“Hey, Cal what’s up?” I sighed and told him about the way my palms were sweaty and my heart was beating like crazy and how angry I got seeing her with Mikey, but today I saw her and nothing.

“You say you were walking with Amelia?” I nodded, but I didn’t understand then it clicked. Any time I was around the small brunette she made my heart beat go crazy and my palms were constantly sweating…

“But what about the anger?”

“Well that’s simple she is the key to ruining things between Amelia and you. She’s the one person who can mess with your mind the way, A, does.” Luke shrugged. “Dude you’re in love with one Amelia Rose.”

“No, no way I don’t fall in love.”

“Dude you just thought you were in love with your ex, what’s different with Amelia?”

“I don’t know. I have the chance of messing up. With Elizabeth she was the one who messed up, so even if I did something wrong I knew it couldn’t be as bad as what she did to me. So being in love with her I wouldn’t be able to hurt her as much as she could hurt me. With Amelia. I could completely shatter her worse than she could to me.”

“Actually, I’d be more worried for you. Amelia is use to the heart break. Calum you’ll be fine.” Luke said patting my shoulder and I sighed.

“What if I already hurt her?” Luke glared and waited for an explanation. “You see I may have just started making out with her after the whole Elizabeth encounter and she’s been trying to help me by setting me up on dates.”

“Damn you idiot. We have to do something now.”


“Obviously leaving you guys to discover your love for each other alone is NOT working.” Luke groaned and I could tell he was trying to come up with a plan. “I’ve got it!”

“What is it?”

“Like I’m telling you. You’d mess it up.”

Luke’s POV

I knew I shouldn’t have let Calum and Amelia’s love life out of my sight. Then again Michael randomly dating Calum’s ex wasn’t in the plan. I really just wanted my two friends to be happy, so I went to check on Amelia.

“Why can’t you stay away?” I heard her ask seeing a familiar figure in her doorway, so I hid around the corner to see what was going on.

“C’mon Amelia I was an idiot. You know that, but I promise you I’ve changed.” It was Dylan. What the fuck is going on?

“How do I know that? How can I trust you?”

“But you can trust Calum? I’m pretty sure he has the biggest slut rep on campus. How do you know he’s not sleeping with a million girls behind your back?”

“Calum and I aren’t even dating. It’s different he can fuck who he wants.”

“And yet he still gets your virginity?”

“Why would you think I’m not a virgin?”

“Oh babe, the whole school has heard about how you fucked Calum Hood.” I watched as she slapped him. I knew that Amelia still held her V card, but someone was starting something.

“Get out of here Dylan. I’m done with your shit. Even if this whole school thinks I’m a slut. I know that I’m not. I also know that you’re just trying to ruin my friendship with Calum, so you can just break me more.” She slammed the door in his face. You go A!

I noticed that he didn’t immediately leave and instead took a phone call. “It didn’t work. She doesn’t believe that Calum could start such a rumor. I knew this was stupid. It’s not going to work. We’re not going to be able to get them back.”

Them? Who- Oh my gosh! I had to go talk to the other boys!


Shits going down… 

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