Bunnies and Powerpuff

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Calum’s POV

I put on the white gloves that went with my costume last. I looked in the mirror and fixed the grey bunny ears on my head. I still didn’t know how I felt about this costume I kind of felt lame, and that wasn’t the kind of rep I wanted myself to have, so I called Luke.

“I’m just going to throw on jeans and a leather jacket and say I’m a biker. This costume is going to make me look so fucking childish.” I groaned and he just laughed on the other side.

“Dude chill out, I promise you’ll seem cool as fuck after you see what Ashton, Michael and I are wearing. I kind of hate you right now, because at least you’re a cool cartoon.” I guess Luke was right, so I hung up and looked myself over one more time fixing my gray and white converse that were supposed to mimic the color of Bugs Bunny. I also made sure my grey and white puffy tail was still on the back of my white basketball shorts.

“You look cool as Fuck.” I told myself grabbing a jacket and my motorcycle helmet not wanting to walk across campus. I felt as if fate was on my side when the elevator appeared. “You wanna play a little one on one, doll?”

“Don’t call me doll.” She smirked. She fit Lola Bunny so well. Her hair was pulled high up and was straight as her bangs were left down. The light brown ears on her head stood up and her jersey was in a cropped version with white short shorts. She had on all white vans that stood out against her tan skin.

“Are you gonna walk over like that?” I asked as she didn’t have a coat.

“I was going to just drive.” She shrugged and I smirked closing the elevator again as we got on the first floor and headed back to my floor. “What are you doing?”

“You’re going to experience riding on the back of a motorcycle.” I said and dragged her to my room handing her one of my jackets and a helmet. She shrugged and put on the jacket as we got outside. She also slid on the white gloves I didn’t realize were in her hands.

“Okay you have to hold on really tight to me.” I told her as we got situated and she held onto me tight making me smirk as we rode over to the ballroom.

Amelia’s POV

I couldn’t actually believe how many people came, and so many people had such great costumes and there was such a variety. Then I spotted Harper who was in a Pink dress with a black band around the waist. She had on white thigh highs with black heels and half of her freshly died ginger hair was pulled back with a red bow.

“Hey, Blossom, where are Bubbles and Buttercup?” I asked and she pointed over to Justine and Trinity two of our other close friends. Justine had her hair in low pig tails in the blue version of Harper’s dress and Trinity had the green version her black hair straightened with blunt bangs hanging above her green eyes.

“And, the boys?” I giggled as she had told me what she got them to dress in.

“You talking about us?” Luke asked coming over in his blue long sleeve shirt one thick black stripe around the middle, black jeans, and black and white converse. His hair was even flat and parted in the middle. I laughed a little and he glared as Calum started doubling over in laughter.

“Hey Butch will mess you up.” Michael said in the green version of the costume his now black hair styled perfectly. Then Ashton came up and wrapped an arm Harper. He had a red cap on his head sideways to complete the trio of boys.

“So, Harper got you guys to be the Rowdyruff Boys?” Calum asked still laughing.

“Shut it bugs.” Luke smirked hitting Calum. We all decided to hit the dance floor and were just bouncing around until we got thirsty and the boys went to grab drinks.

“I’ll get you something doll.” Calum winked as I was about to go get my own. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms accepting defeat.

“So, you and Calum?” Trinity asked and I rolled my eyes. “It’s absolutely adorable you guys match!”

“Yeah, and I’m still not convinced this was his idea, I’m sure he couldn’t put so much thought into a costume.” I sighed.

“Well best believe it. I didn’t even know Space Jam was your favorite animated movie. I thought that would be Beauty and the Beast.” Harper shrugged. That’s what frustrated me. How would Calum know? My best girlfriend didn’t even know. Damn the only person who did was Luke. Maybe Luke once brought it up? But that would mean Calum paying attention to details about me.

It was in that moment Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran came on. The three girls that matched squealed and I just went to walk off to take a seat. I wasn’t much for slow songs although I loved the idea of being able to waltz around, I just never had a partner.

Luke’s POV

It was perfect Thinking Out Loud was on and I knew this was the opportunity for sparks to fly between Calum and Amelia. I nudged Calum as we walked back, because I saw Amelia sitting.

“Hey Cal, maybe you could ask her to dance?” He looked over to Amelia and it was almost as if for a second he let his guard down, and I could see how upset he was she didn’t wait for him on the dance floor. He walked off as we went back to the floor. “This dance my lady?”

“Of course.” Justine smiled. I had taken a liking to her during our freshman year but never had the guts to ask her out other than to campus events. I made sure we were in listening and watching distance of Calum and Amelia since I was a bit more concerned with their love life than my own.

“What are you doing doll?” I watched as Calum grabbed her hand and waited for an answer.

“Don’t you think this is a bit of a romantic song?”

“Come on babe,” He pressured pulling her up and into him whisking her onto the floor. I could tell Amelia was a bit amazed because it was as if she had seen Taylor Swift walk right in front of her. I could hear Calum quietly singing which made Amelia smile even brighter.

“Hey Luke.” Justine said as the song ended and I looked down and didn’t expect her lips crashing into mine. “I’m sorry I’ve just wanted to do that since orientation.”

“No I’m glad you did.” I smiled holding my forehead to hers.

“I just know you’re not focusing on yourself right now, but I think you should let them handle it. They seem fine.” But somehow in moment’s fine changed to horrible. And I mean like bride getting cold feet on a wedding horrible. Amelia wasn’t in Calum’s arms anymore, but crying and running away and I saw exactly why, Dylan McCain. Fuck.


Can’t have too much happen in one Chapter!!!

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