You Look Good in My Clothes

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Amelia's POV

I woke up in the morning, but before I even opened my eyes I knew I wasn’t in my room. It smelt completely like a guy. I didn’t mind because I actually liked the mix of cologne and body wash the person must use, but it wasn’t my bed. I sat up and looked down at the shirt I was wearing and noticed the faces of Green Day on it. Then I studied the room and found a note next to me.

Hey Babe,

Sooo….. Last night got a little crazy. You went to that party with Justin who gave you a blue drink. This drink had a certain drug in it that basically drives your sexual needs and makes you really hot. It kicks in around an hour after consuming, and well he tried taking you to his room- or well did, but I followed. You know I can’t have my future date doing something she wouldn’t want to do. So, if Justin has a black eye or jaw you know why. Well to continue you tried stripping for me *It was hot as fuck, but I wasn’t gonna let you flash me when you were drunk* so I got you in a shirt and put you to bed.


I was surprised by the fact Calum had helped me out of that situation, but I guess some people can change. What are you saying? He’s Calum Hood. I sighed and got up looking in the mirror and found my makeup smudged and hair all over the place. I tried putting my hair into a decent braid and cleaned up my eyes. I grabbed my clothes and shoes from the floor and peaked out into the hall to see no one, so I dashed up the stairs and hurried in my room.

“This is great.” I chuckled to myself seeing Calum sprawled across my bed in only his boxers. I took a few pictures before going to tap on his shoulder.

“Five more minutes.” He mumbled turning away. I smiled and tapped his shoulder again. I was surprised this time because he turned back to me and grabbed my wrist. “Stop it babe. I’m trying to sleep.”

“Well you’re in my bed and I would like to be in it myself.” I saw his smirk and immediately regretted what I said, because he tugged me to lay with him and wrapped his arms around me. “This isn’t what I meant.”

“Well I like this better. Just sleep we can go back to teasing each other when it’s not early.” I rolled my eyes, but relaxed just wanting more sleep. Just because I’m sleeping in his arms doesn’t mean I like him, right?

Calum’s POV

I found myself waking up with my arms around a small frame and it took me a few moments to remember Amelia coming into the room earlier. I also remembered agreeing to stop the teasing to get sleep, but I mean we’ve had plenty of sleep. Right? I didn’t want to completely make me hate her like the incident at the movies, so I just rubbed her thigh up to her hip a few times.

“Hmmm,” I heard her moan a little and smirked rubbing circles on her hips and tangling our legs together rubbing my nose into her neck. “Stop.”

“Wake up, princess.” My voice was raspy as I whispered right in her ear. I heard another small moan and chuckled. “C’mon babe.”

“Stop it Hood.” She groaned wiggling for me to let her go, but instead she got my downstairs going crazy making me groan. “Oh what did I do?”

“Stop sounding so innocent.” I glared pulling her hips back into mine. “You know exactly what you did.” I tucked my face into her neck and she giggled.

“Calum really it’s probably like the afternoon and I have to go talk to Luke and Michael and shower and get up.” She laughed and I sighed letting her go and rolling over as she got up. I realized that she was still in my shirt and smirked.

“You know, you should wear my clothes more often.” I said propping myself up on an elbow and watching as she gathered things for her shower. She held up the middle finger and walked away. “Anytime!”

I decided to go get ready for the day myself and take care of the problem Amelia had caused. Around four was when I decided to go see Luke and Michael, but instead I just saw Amelia run past me in nothing as Luke and Michael laughed holding the elevator for her.

“Oh Amelia look!” Michael yelled pointing back at me, and as she turned to look they closed the elevator on her. She groaned as she went to catch it but failed. I had my flannel on so I just slipped it off and walked over to her.

“Here. We don’t need any of my brothers seeing you.” I said referring to my frat. She smiled taking it and hurrying to put it on. “So, why the sudden streaking?”

“It’s your fault.” She said calling the elevator.

“What did I do?” I furrowed my eyebrows and cocked my head.

“Well Luke and Michael bet that you would buy me at the auction and I said no so loser had to streak on the floor the winner chose.” She explained and I nodded as the elevator opened. “I’ll bring this back once I go change.”

“No problem.”

“By the way great abs Hood.” She winked leaving. I rolled my eyes at her and went back to my room. It wasn’t long till she came back up in a simple white crop, black leggings, and my flannel topping it off instead of the jean jacket I guessed she would’ve worn earlier.  “I think I like this shirt.”

“I mean you can keep it if you want. I have plenty.” I said admiring the way it was so oversized on her, and that’s when ‘I noticed the little piece of jewelry on her tan skin. “When did you get that?”

“My belly button piercing? August. I don’t really show it off a lot.” She shrugged.

“It’s hot.” I said studying it even longer. “Oh yeah, we need to set up our date.”

“Oh yeah our date.” She rolled her eyes. “I know you just bought me to annoy me more, but when would you like to do that?”

“You know me to well babe. How about Friday instead of doing rounds like you’re supposed to, come here.”

“You know me and frat parties don’t mix well.” She sighed crossing her arms.

“I promise, you’ll have a good time, and bring Harper she will make sure nothing happens.”

“Okay, but if at any point I think it’s horrible I’m leaving.”

“Deal.” I smirked.

“I’ll see you Friday Hood.” With that she was gone, and I was working on setting up a small party, that way she didn’t freak out too much. You’re starting to care too much Hood.


Sooo next will be the Party Date thing, and some Party planning after that and finally the big Costume party, but that’s not where this is ending. That’s only the beginning ;) (I think I could change my mind)

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