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Time skip 

A few days had passed and all was quiet. No one uttered the word 'werewolf' around her and no one dared to make fun of her. It was almost perfect... until Ron's rat dropped to the ground and scurried off. After running after Ron, they found themselves in the Shrieking Shack in the room with Sirius Black, who was glaring over them all. Harry, of course, started fighting him and pushed him to the ground with his wand pressed to his neck. Sirius started to laugh. 

"Are you going to kill me, Harry?" Sirius ask with a gleam of amusement in his eyes. Suddenly the door opened wide as Remus came bolting in. Harry didn't have a chance as Remus cast a spell to cause his wand to fly across the room. Remus then gave him a look that told Harry to get up from where he was. 

"Well, well Sirius looking rather ragged aren't we? Finally the flesh reflects the madness within." Remus stated to Sirius. 

"Well you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you?" Sirius asked him. Remus then seemed to relax as he lowered his hand to Sirius, who took it, and lifted him up from the ground. Once he was on his feet, Sirius hugged him as tightly as possible, whispering how he found him and then how they should kill him. Hermione couldn't help herself as she found herself screaming. 

"No! I trusted you! And all this time... you've been his friend." she growled as the two of them turn to look at her. She then turned towards her friends while pointing at Remus, "He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes!" 

Remus started to move towards her, his eyes glued on her with curiousness. 

"How long have you known?" he asked her. 

"Since Professor Snape gave us the essay." She stated to him. 

"Hermione..." Ron mumbled, causing her to peer from the corner of her eye, "Werewolf... the tea leaves, Hermione... The tea leaves!" 

"Shut it!" she hissed at him, then keeping her eyes on Remus. 

"Well, well, well,  Hermione you really are the brightest witch of your age i've ever met." Remus praised her while Sirius began shaking his head. 

"Enough talk, Remus... Come on lets kill him!" 


"I DID MY WAITING! 12 YEARS OF IT... IN AZKABAN!" Sirius screamed at the top of his lungs, almost like he wanted the whole world to hear him. Hermione shook her head in disbelief as she watched as Harry and the two of them began to argue among each other. Then Snape came rushing through the door as he cast the wand from Sirius's hand. 

Then they began to argue. 

Harry takes her wand and then attacked Snape. 

Harry, Remus, and Sirius argues more. 

Turns out, Ron's rat is a man. 

Now they were heading out of the Shrieking Shack where Hermione is trying to understand where she had gone wrong in her life choices to deserve dealing with all this crap. Worse while she was tending Ron's wounds, he wouldn't stop talking about the damn tea leaves. 

"I think your tea leaves are coming true, Hermione." 

"No they aren't." 

"Think about it! You get the werewolf and we find out Remus is a werewolf... how can that be all a coincidence?" 

"It can and it is." 

"Also you had three hearts... which means 'lovers' could he be... you know... one of your..." 

"RONALD!" Hermione shouted, feeling a blush run over her cheeks. She couldn't believe what he was saying. Remus was her professor. She view him more like an uncle. Sure she had to admit he did have his charms and she enjoyed his humor and caring nature towards everyone. She blushed even more when she saw Remus walking out with Wormtail beside him. She barely could look at him after what Ron had suggested. 

She then felt a sudden change come over her as she gazed upwards towards the night sky... and the full moon that was floating out from the clouds. 

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