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Don't panic-- don't panic-- don't panic... Remus thought as he sat across from Hermione's parents, who were looking stressed and worried. The tea cup in his hand shook from nerves as he forced himself to take a sip. Fenrir sat right beside Remus with his hand pressed against his lips. Remus had no idea what Fenrir was feeling at this moment, but he knew he was worried at the thought of what Hermione's parents are going to do when they figure out Hermione's pregnant. 

"So... um... Mr. and Mrs. Granger, how are you today?" Remus asked, earning glares from Mr.Granger while Mrs. Granger looked at him like she was silently asking if he was kidding. 

"We hadn't heard a single word from our daughter for weeks and when we tried to talk with people to find out where she was; they couldn't tell us till today where she is. We had to go day in and day out  worrying as to what is happening to our daughter. We couldn't go to the police since they'll think we're mental if we mention our daughter's a witch and there's a whole wizarding world out there." Mr. Granger growled at Remus. Before Remus could say something, there was a sound of shuffling near the stairs. Remus turned his head to see Dumbledore walking down as he was trying to pull Scabior down the stairs behind him. 

"Scabior stop that! You're making..." Dumbledore started til their eyes landed on the sight of the four of them. 

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Granger, it's good to finally meet you," Dumbledore said before shooting his arm out and grabbing the back of Scabior's jacket collar to stop him from escaping back upstairs. Mr. and Mrs. Granger stood up from their seats. 

"Where's Hermione? We want to see our daughter!" Mrs. Granger asked, nervously. Dumbledore opened his mouth to say something when suddenly Hermione came walking down the stairs. She hadn't even gotten around the corner when her parents were gasping as their eyes widened and their mouths dropped to the ground. 

"Oh my God, Hermione! What happened to you?" Mrs. Granger asked as she hurried over to Hermione, her eyes still glued on Hermione's stomach. Remus gulped as he sinked in his chair. Hermione opened her mouth but she was frozen where she stood, unable to explain it to them. Suddenly Remus heard Fenrir grunt as he stood up from his seat. 

"Oh for Merlin's sake. She's pregnant, that's what she is... with triplets. She wasn't rape if that's what your thinking." Fenrir blurted out, his eyes shooting right Mr. Granger. Mr. and Mrs. Granger seemed ready to drop dead from a heart attack. 

"Pregnant? Triplets? How are you even this far in your pregnancy?" Mr. Granger asked, waving his hands around at her stomach. Hermione lightly patted her stomach. 

"Well werewolves have a pregnancy cycle similar to wolves instead of human's pregnancy." Hermione explained to them, nervously chuckling. Mrs. Granger pressed her hand against her forehead like she was trying to grasp the fact her daughter was pregnant. 

"Who's the father, Hermione?" Mrs. Granger asked; her hand clinging against her chest. Hermione began fumbling with her hands. 

"Well... that... um... is where the problem is..." Hermione said. 

"What do you mean 'problem'? Do you know who the father is or not?" Mr. Granger asked; his arms crossing over his chest. Hermione bit her lip, darting her eyes between Scabior, Remus, and Fenrir. Remus felt something slap against his arms, causing him to turn to come face to face with Fenrir's glaring stare. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Granger," Fenrir spoke up again, earning their attention, "the three of us, Scabior, Remus and myself... could be the father of the children." 

For a moment, no one spoke. Until... 

"You... one of... of you three..." Mr. Granger mumbled, his fingers waving around at the three, "got my daughter pregnant? She's just a child! She's barely past the age of eighteen! She doesn't have a job! She doesn't have her own home!" 

"Calm down Mr. Granger," Remus asked, putting his hands up in a defense manner. 

"Calm down? Our daughter is pregnant... and we don't know which one of you is the father! And we don't know how we're going to take care of not just one but three babies at the same time! Wendell and I are about close to retiring soon, and how are... either one of you going to provide for Hermione?" Mrs. Granger asked, shaking her head, "If I remember correctly, didn't you say werewolves aren't treated very well in your world?" 

Remus bit his lips while he rubbed his hand on the back of his head, unable to find the words to assure Mr. and Mrs. Granger their daughter was going to be fine. Fenrir, however, did have a few words to say. 

"I beg to differ. I have you know, my pack will provide the life Hermione and her pups needs." Fenrir growled at them. Mr. Granger narrowed his eyes. 

"I'm sorry? Pups? Pack? Is this some sort of gang or cult or something?" Mr. Granger asked. 

"Um... actually, Fenrir is deep rooted with werewolf culture. His pack is the term for family and they live in a nice area in the woods in very wonderful tents. And pups are another term for children." Remus explained, standing in front of Fenrir, who was starting to growl, to keep him away from the Grangers. Apparently what he said freaked the Grangers out even more. 

"In the woods? In tents? Are you insane?" Mrs. Granger asked.  Thankfully, Dumbledore stepped in then and there. 

"Perhaps we can discuss this over some tea. It is important we all get this settle for everyone. If you all please, follow me to the kitchen." Dumbledore suggested and began to muscle the Grangers into the kitchen. 

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