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Fenrir held his breath as the lift doors slowly opened for them. The first thing he heard was the whines of babes, drawing Scabior, Remus and Fenrir towards the front of everyone. Hermione was sitting in the corner, leaning against the wall, as her hand held onto one of the hands of their three babes, who were all wiggling around on Draco's jacket. Draco was on the other side, looking tired after helping Hermione through this entire thing. 

"Thanks, pup..." Fenrir forced himself to say to Draco just as the Healer came squirming through with blankets and began wrapping the babies in them. 

"Okay... lets see-- we got two boys and a girl." The Healer said cheerfully as she began helping Hermione, who was on the verge of falling asleep, with cleaning herself up. The Healer then lifted the babes and gave them each to the three of them. Fenrir gently held the babe in his hand as it hiccuped here and there and shooting his arms up in the air to figure out his surrounding. 

"They're so beautiful..." Remus mumbled on the verge of tears at the fact they were now fathers. 

"Oh, Congrats... which one of you guys is the father?" Narcissa asked pointing her finger between them. 

"Um... well... we're not entirely sure ourselves," Scabior stated, nervously chuckling. Lucius went rolling his eyes, which Fenrir would gladly punch him in his the face if it weren't for the baby in his arm. 

"Werewolf sperm?" Narcissa suddenly blurted out, causing everyone to look at her in shock (especially Lucius, who jaw dropped and seemed ready to faint on them), "What? I had a friend that told me when Lucius and I were having trouble conceiving that werewolf sperm works wonder. She actually did it herself, just took two drops and she was pregnant." 

"This way, Hermione... just a few more steps," Fenrir told Hermione as they (including Remus, Scabior, The Healer, and her parents along with their three babies, who were all dressed in their cute animal onesies) walked across the forest towards where Fenrir had built the house. They came to a halt as Fenrir slowly removed his hand from her eyes. She gasped as she saw it was a lovely small cottage painted a periwinkle blue with brown trim, surrounded by colorful flowers planted in front. 

"Oh! It's beautiful!" Hermione gasped as they scurried towards the front door. She entered as her eyes scanned the entire room. There was a lovely stone fireplace surrounded by a large wooden sofa covered in fuzzy pillows and two sofas on the side. The walls were paints a light shade of tan as there were empty frames lining the walls. 

"The frames are so you can put whatever pictures you wanted in them," Fenrir explained to her, gently patting her shoulders.

 "Then there's the kitchen, the main bedroom, a patio out back along with a cellar. Then over here... I believe your parents would love," Scabior pointed out as he scurried as fast but not too fast towards a room, holding Cetus, one of the baby boys, (who was entertaining itself by pulling and chewing on Scabior's hair). He opened the door and allowed Hermione to go inside first. Hermione gasped as she lightly chuckled. It was one of the cutest little nursery. The floor was a grass-color wood with the walls decorated like a hillside with colorful wolves all over. There were three cribs in the center of the room with three trunks in front with a few toys in them. In each crib there wasn't just a blanket and a pillow but the little stuff animals Scabior and Fenrir gave her. 

"It's so perfect!" Hermione said, one of her hand lightly pressed against her lips as the other lightly brushed against one of the cribs. 

"Okay, let's set these cuties down." The Healer stated while setting Minerva, their daughter, down in the crib with the teddy bear in it. Minerva quickly crawled over on her belly as she grabbed hold of the bear and began to chew on the teddy bear's ear. Scabior set Cetus in the crib with the stuff scaly dragon, which Cetus giggled as he stuck his tongue at the dragon before laughing again and repeating himself a few times. Remus set down their other son, Pavo, in the last crib. Pavo just stared at the pygmy puff before reaching out and lightly patting it, trying to figure out what it was. 

"Aw!!! They love their little stuff toys," Mrs. Granger cooed, "But have you guys figured out who's the father of them?" 

"Oh, I have gotten to smell them yet, so I hadn't be able to tell whose is whose," The Healer said. Mr. and Mrs. Granger turned towards them with confused looks. Remus leaned over as he tapped his nose and mumbled 'good sniffers'. The Healer took a few sniffs near Cetus, who chuckled then duck his head against the bed. 

"Cetus here is Fenrir's," The Healer said. Fenrir grinned as he reached down and lightly petted Cetus's head. The Healer moved over to Pavo's crib and sniffed, causing Pavo to reach up and try and grab her nose. The Healer laughed as she gently patted his hand away. 

"Pavo is Remus's," The Healer said. Remus nearly choked while he walked over and gently took Pavo's hand in his own. While Pavo chewed on Remus's fingers, the Healer rounded up to Minerva, who attempted to crawl away with the teddy bear in her hand, and took a quick sniff before bursting out laughing. 

"Minerva's yours, Scabior. I'm sorry, I know how badly you wanted a boy," The Healer said, still chuckling to herself. Everyone turn to face him, wondering how he was going to react to the news. Scabior walked over to the crib as he leaned over it, staring down at Minerva, who now looked up from behind the teddy bear. 

"No matter-- I'll make a Beta out of her, yet..." Scabior told himself as he reached down to pat Minerva on the head. Minerva cried out before slapping his hand away then proceeded back to the end of the crib with the teddy bear in tow. Scabior turned around, gasping...

"Did you see that? We already got some progress here!" Scabior said, before turning around and grinning down at his daughter as he kept mumbling how she was going to make a great beta of the pack. Hermione laughed till she felt Fenrir standing beside her. 

"So Hermione... do you know who you decided to be your mate?" Fenrir asked her. She felt everyone's eyes on her as she opened her mouth and said...

You Have... The Werewolf (Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now