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Remus stormed through the camp, getting glares from everyone there. He knew they were being upset how he was waltzing in like he own the place or something but he wasn't going to let them stop him from getting Hermione back from those annoying pests. He dashed over to the largest tent where Fenrir and Scabior were supposed to live. He was just outside the tent when he was blocked by some of the betas. 

"What do you think you're doing, runt?" one of them asked, growling while he fumbled with his fingernails which were about a few inches long. Remus held out his wand, ready to fight anyone foolish enough to try to stop him from taking Hermione back to Hogwarts. Before Remus could say a word, the flap of the tent opened as Fenrir walked out of the tent. Fenrir motioned for his men to back down as they headed off to the side. Fenrir stood about a few feet taller than Remus, but that didn't stop Remus from putting a strong front as he attempted to avoid showing any bit of fear. 

"Well it's good to see you returned to the pack. Did it finally settle into you to come join the pack where you belong?" Fenrir asked. Remus narrowed his eyes. 

"You know exactly why I'm here. Where is she?" Remus asked him. 

"Where's who?" Fenrir pretended to not know what Remus was talking about. Remus rolled his eyes. 

"You know who I'm talking about! Where's Hermione?" Remus asked him. Before Fenrir could attempt to lie to him again, a loud 'ow' came billowing from the tent causing everyone to look at the tent. 

"Remus! Help!" Hermione's voice echoed through the air. Without thinking, Remus rushed right pass Fenrir and towards the tent. He flung open the doors as he ran right inside. He paused just in front of the bed as his eyes widened at the sight in front of him. Scabior held tightly to Hermione, who was naked underneath the blanket, while he pressed his hand against her lips. Remus held out his wand to Scabior. 

"Let her go! Right now!" Remus ordered Scabior, who seemed more determined in keeping his hold on Hermione. Just as Remus was about to repeat himself, he felt something press against his neck. Remus froze as he peered to the side to see Fenrir holding his own wand against Remus's neck. 

"Put it down, runt. There's no need to start a fight." Fenrir growled. Remus slowly lowered his wand to his side. Fenrir walked to the side with his wand still aimed towards Remus. 

"Now lets figure something out. We got ourselves a beautiful little werewolf here and she deserves to be with a fine werewolf for herself." Fenrir stated to him. Remus's eyes widened. Please do not suggest what I think you're going to attempt to suggest, Please do not suggest what I think you're going to attempt to suggest, please... Remus kept pleading in his mind as he watched Fenrir's lips twisted upward. 

"I think we need to have a proper Courtship Ritual." Fenrir stated the exact thing that Remus was pleading that he didn't want to say. 

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