1. Found*

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A man walks out of a coffee shop with a coffee in hand. He decides to walk into an ally which is a shortcut to home. He happens to hear a tiny sob. He keeps walking not caring much, until he hears a small wail that sounds like a baby. When he turns around he sees a small figure huddled with a blanket in tattered clothes behind a trash bin. He approaches causing the small figure to sob louder.
"I won't hurt you"
He says walking closer and leaning down getting a better look. The girl is older than he thought but he's not sure how much, he's thinking 18. The girl just cries scared of the man but unable to say anything or run away.
"I'm Aiden," he says after no response just cries, not wanting to leave the girl there.
She just looks up at him with big eyes when it starts raining, hard. Her cries turn into wails, Aiden stands and offers his hand to the girl not knowing what else to do. She hesitated before shakily taking the extended hand, just wanting out of the cold stinging rain. She's not fully able to hold herself up but he leads her to his apartment building anyway. The girl Seems to struggle to walk and leans on Aiden a lot throughout the short walk. This makes this taller man think the younger girl may be a little. As she is waddling and struggling with every step. She looks at him wearily as the man unlocks the door. She's led into a living room that looks normal and she lets out a small sigh to be out of the stinging. Aiden closes and locks the door before taking his coat off. He looks at the girl wondering how to help her into new clothes since she isn't talking. "Would you like warmer clothes?" He asks the girl who is now lying on the floor on her stomach feeling the carpet.
She looks up surprised by the voice, she lets out a grumble and goes back to playing with the carpet.
Aiden decides to take control and since he has been a daddy-dom in the past he decided this girl needed a bath.
He picks the girl up and takes her to the bathroom. The girl lets out a scared breath and looks up with wide eyes. Aiden puts the girl down and starts running a bath. The girl not knowing what's happening she starts to cry. "This will make you feel better." The man says monotone before making the girl stand, which she does wobbly while sobbing. Aiden undresses the girl and puts her in the bathtub. She seems to struggle to sit up on her own with so much water but the man doesn't notice her nose go underwater while she is trying to breathe, sucking in water. She coughs uncontrollably so the man holds her up and forcibly washes her hair while she coughs. She finally gets a breath as the man washes the shampoo out of the girl's hair which takes a few tries. He washes the girl clean which causes whines from her as tears continue to stream down her face. The girl is surely traumatized by this whole interaction.

      He finally finishes and drains the water. He dries her and puts her in one of his t-shirts and a diaper he had from his past little. The girl squirms and kicks her legs scared of the man. He gets her padded and Carries her to the kitchen. He finds a protein shake and warms it up before putting it in a bottle.

The girl continues to sob as the man puts her down and warms the bottle.
Once it is warm he walks over to the small figure and grabs her hand leading her to the living room. The girl trips into Aiden since she can't seem to move her legs that fast.
He puts her in his lap a bit roughly causing the girl to hiccup from fear. Aiden puts the tip of the bottle to her lips. Wearily she latches on after some help from the man. She hungrily suckled the bottle, gulping it down as fast as she could. Maybe a bit too fast. She's enjoying the substance so much that she wails when the bottle goes dry.
The man stands and burps the baby before taking her to the old nursery he had set up. The female doesn't stop wailing as the bottle only makes her even more aware of her hunger. Aiden puts a pacifier in her mouth in an attempt to quit the sobs before placing the girl in a crib and closing the bars. "Goodnight little girl," he said before Turning a nightlight on and leaving the room.
The whole night the house is filled with the young girl's sobs. Sure she's out of the rain and off the street but now she's with a strange man and all alone in what feels like a box. The terrified girl curls into a ball and cries herself to sleep sucking the paci the man gave her, it helps control her hunger for now and she finally closes her eyes shaking from fear and the cold.

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