31. Vacay

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      The morning started with Ellie sipping her juice while we got ready. I get Ellie ready and we have some Mickey shaped waffles and other yummy foods before we got on the bus to magic kingdom. Ellie didn't like the crowded bus and hides in my hair.
When we get off the bus we walk into the park. "Where should we start?" I ask Candice. "We could do meet and greets or baby rides first." She suggests. "How about baby rides then lunch before meet and greets." I suggest. Candice nods and we head to the Aladdin ride first we all get on after a while of waiting. Ellie giggles the whole ride until it stops and she frowns. "Gain gain" she whines, "we are gonna ride more rides." I promise her. The rest of the morning is spent like that until we go to a Mickey themed restaurant which makes Elle point at everything. We finish eating and take Ellie to the lines to meet princesses. After meeting all the princesses we talk about going to meet Mickey and Minnie but I feel Ellie tugging my shirt. I decided to go to the bathroom to give her milkies before we move on. Ellie had such a good time but by the end of the day when the fireworks went off she got scared and starts screaming at the top of her lungs. I get her out of her stroller and cover her ears the best I can while we rush to the bus stop. She doesn't slow her sobs until we make it on the bus and far from the park. "Now I know we need to leave before the fireworks" I tell Candice. She nods "I think it may have to do with hearing the gun shots when we found her" she explains making me tear up and hold her close.
We make it to the hotel and eat in the cafe before falling asleep. The rest of the trip is amazing, filled with rides and meeting all of Ellie's favorite characters, we make sure to leave before fireworks and Ellie is glad. "Mama miss wars" she whines making me nod "mama misses Lars too" I agree "we will be going home tomorrow peanut" Candice assures her and rubs my shoulder.
We spend the last afternoon in the hotel swimming pool, Ellie splashes us and swims for hours. By the time it's dark out Ellie is dead asleep in my arms before we even make it back to our room. I get us food and bring it to the hotel so we can eat in the room and not wake the baby, she sleeps in her pack n play soundly even through me getting her changed. We eat fast and go to sleep cuddling each other.
Ellie wakes up before our alarms "milkies peas" I hear my baby cry. I lift her up and help her latch on, when she finishes her milk I get her in a bath and take a shower before I go get us breakfast and bring it up to the room like we did with our dinner. Candice wakes up by the time we make it back. I have our food and two coffees in the to go cups we all got, Ellie helps me carry it to the room and Candice wakes up as we walk in. She crawls out of bed with a groan and grabs the cup taking a sip before kissing my cheek "thank you baby" she says and pats Elle's head before we all sit at the small table and eat quickly. Candice gets a quick shower afterwards while we get dressed and packed, Candice is dressed by the time we are done packing and I help her load the car. We get the rental back in time and are waiting for our flight. This time Ellie doesn't seem like she's going to sleep through the flight making us both nervous.
    We finally board the plane and I explain to Ellie what is going to happen but that her mommies are right here. When we take off she grips my shirt staring up at me with wide eyes. I whisper sweet things until the the plane finally smooth out into the air and her breathing slows causing her to fall asleep. I let out a breath I'd been holding and get out my kindle to read until we land.

        Luckily it wasn't a long flight and we land before Candice's movie is even over. We smile at each other both happy to be getting home soon. On the way home we go through a fast food drive through and get us all food before heading home. We picked up Lars and let him out into the back yard when we arrive and sit at the table to have our lunch, part way through Ellie wakes up tugging my shirt. I smile down and let her latch while we finish our meal.
      She suckles for a few minutes before realizing there's food in front of her, she sits up wipes her mouth on her arm and says "ahhhh" making us chuckle slightly. I help her eat her kids meal, when we are done we all go play with Lars for a few hours. He comes in exhausted and lays on his bed to take a nap, I go unpack while Ellie and Candice sit to watch a Disney movie in our bedroom.
     Once everything is unpacked I go to join the two, Ellie is fast asleep gripping Candice's shirt. I smile and cuddle into them happy to be in my own bed, before the movie is over we both drift off to sleep. We all end up sleeping through dinner and into the night after our long trip. 

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