28. Can have cookies?

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       It's been a week since Candice moved in, my parents are also staying to help me take care of her and Ellie. I took off work for a few weeks but Ellie has been going to school still, she even made a little friend even though she doesn't know their name, I'm so happy she is coming out of her shell. Luckily my parents are taking Ellie to daycare this morning, when I walk in to check on them getting her ready for the day they are playing patty cake. I record secretly until I'm spotted "mama" I smile and pick Ellie up giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Im gonna give her some milk before breakfast" I tell my parents "I'll go start on something yummy" my mom says giving the baby a kiss as they walk out of her nursery. I help Ellie latch on and I sing softly to her, we haven't had a lot of time together as she has been spending a lot of time with her nonna and pop-pop while they stay with us. She looks up at me lovingly and unlatches with a yawn, we sit like that together for a few minutes until I carry her downstairs for breakfast. It isn't done yet but I put her in her high chair and go to get Candice up. She's been resting a lot but her mobility is coming back, we walk into the kitchen together causing Ellie to clap "candy!" "Hi kiddo" she said giving her head a kiss and moving to make a cup of coffee, she hands me one causing me to smile happily. "Thank you, love" I say after a sip and sit next to Ellie. We play games until the pancakes are ready and we all eat together. Once my parents leave with Ellie I help candice get comfortable on the couch with something to watch on tv and I head to my office to start some work for the day. I took off from meeting with clients but I still have emails and other paperwork to do at least. When my parents get home with Ellie I take a small break to give her milkies and then return back to work "go play with nonna and pop-pop" I tell her sweetly. She grunts but crawls off to the living room.

Candice's pov:
      I'm watching true crime shows when Ellie crawls into the room "hey munchkin, your mama busy?" I say and I help her climb onto the couch regardless of the pain in my shoulder and hold her in my arms. She nods "can I has a cookie?" She asks "is it okay with your mama?" I ask making her nod her head yes, I know she is lying though "now little girl I don't think that's true" I say sternly making her look down sadly "sorry kiddo" I joke and decide to change the show to a cartoon when Penny's parents come into the living room. "Would you like us to bring some dinner home? We have bingo night" I try not to chuckle at the idea but shake my head "I think I can feed us something" I say glad to have some responsibility, making them nod before they wave to Ellie and she blows kisses back causing us all to coo. After we watch cartoons for a while I decide to make her a toddler meal in the microwave and myself and Penny a can of soup and a grilled cheese. I try to feed Ellie but she isn't having it, she try's to grab the spoon and is fighting me on every bite of chicken and rice causing me to make a mess. "Ellie you cannot hold the spoon I know your mommy doesn't let you feed yourself" I say frustrated by her behavior causing her to start scream crying. I get a text from Penny saying she is in the phone with her boss but asked if she was okay. I respond quickly with an explanation and go back to the baby when she grabs the bowl and throws it to the floor. I lift her rice covered self up "that was a no no" I tell her and pop her bum, not hard but hard enough to sting making her fall to the floor in tears "Ellie you were a bad girl" I say making her cry harder and crawl away from me to hide in the corner when Penny walks in "Candice! I do not call her a bad girl, ever" she says angrily "you aren't a bad girl baby you just made a bad decision" she says and picks Ellie up causing her to curl into her mama as close as possible, I frown not realizing I was too harsh. I go to apologize but they are out of the room already.
       Penny's pov:
      I rock Ellie in my arms after I got her cleaned up and changed, she is clinching to my shirt and whimpering scared of getting in trouble and of me leaving her. It takes time but I rub her back singing to her softly causing her to slowly calm down and fall asleep in my arms. Not long after Candice walks in "is she okay?" "She's shaken up, she has horrible trauma you know. You really scared her" I say rudely making her flinch slightly "I wasn't trying to hurt her, I'm just not used to the soft approach" she said making me sigh "well maybe you should have asked before punishing my daughter" I say walking out of the room and going to the kitchen to clean up, afterwards I do notice food on the counter and I can't help but eat it all. "Thank you for dinner but you should have not only asked me before punishing her but you shouldn't have cooked by yourself either" I sigh "I'm gonna go shower" I say walking off. Once I'm clean and out of the shower I see Candice in our bed on her phone, I silently crawl In and turn my back to her causing her to sigh. "Please forgive me" she says "I can't stand you being mad at me." I turn look at her with sad eyes "I understand where you are coming from okay? But we have to be soft with Ellie" I explain making her nod "I'm really sorry" I nod "I think you need to apologize to Ellie not me" I explain before we drift to sleep.

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