32. Ellies birthday

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      We've been home for a few days and life has slowly gone back to normal. Ellie is back to daycare and even has a few friends now, she comes home every day excitedly telling me about them. I'm back to work and so is Candice.
        I have to be honest I worry about both my girls while they are away but I know I'm just an over thinker and I need to be more optimistic.
       It's been six months since Ellie's gotcha day and her official birthday is coming up. Candice and I have been planning the perfect party for her, we invited my whole family and her friends from daycare. Candice's family has even sent her some gifts I've put away for her. We're planning on going to visit them soon in Indiana and I'm glad I get to slowly tell Ellie about them before we go since she has trouble meeting new people.
       This weekend is going to be the first time I meet any of Elle's friends and their caregivers, I'm hoping this leads to play dates for my little one.
       While stuck in my thoughts I realize the time and stand to gather my things and head to pick up my angel. Once I arrive I see Ellie playing blocks with a little who is being gentle and sweet to her. This makes me smile since Elle is the smallest of them all as the kids who attend are all age regressors and have grown healthily and she is quite small for her physical age.
        I walk in and she doesn't look up until I crouch behind her "mommy" she jumps up and gives me a big hug. "This my friend" she introduces me to her friend. "Hi there kiddo what's your name?" I ask the shy looking girl. "Me Lily" she says looking down at the ground before she runs into a woman's arms who I assume is her mommy.
    Miss. May comes over and tells me this is Lilys first week and Elle has helped her adjust better. "My good girl" i praise the little in my arms and kiss her forehead making her giggle.
     I walk over to Lily and her mommy. "Hi, I'm Penny. It seems our girls have become good friends" I introduce myself. She nods and shakes my hand, "I'm Angelique" she says before looking at Elle, "and you must be Ellie, thank you for playing with my little girl" Ellie nods big "she bestest" Ellie says rubbing her eyes indicating it's time for a nap. We chuckle and wave goodbye.
       When I make it home Ellie has some milkies and falls asleep quickly, I lay her in her crib and walk downstairs as Candice walks in. I kiss her cheek and ask her how work was. We chat about our days before planning Ellie's party this weekend.
      We decided on an adopt a puppy theme and got lots of stuffed dogs for her friends to "adopt" we decided food will be dog puns and dog food related. We even have a make your puppy a collar station for the kids to make collars for their new friends. We're very excited to surprise Ellie with her party.

* * *

         It's finally the weekend and we set up the party while Elle is down for her nap. We set up the food and put the puppy stuffed animals in a box with a sign that says 'free to a good home' we set up the check up cards for the kids to give their new pet a check up. There's some print outs that say "all about my pet" and a birth certificate one. We set out "dog crates" to be decorated and the things to make a collar for them.
     We finally finish as Ellie starts to fuss, I look at the the time and notice the guest will arrive soon. "Hello there birthday girl" i greet a sleepy little as she reaches for me. I lift her up and kiss her face before getting her changed and putting her in a cute floral outfit.
     I carry her downstairs as I  hear Candice greet the first guests. My family comes in a and we lead then to the back yard where the party is set up. They coo and put the gifts on the table with the ones we already placed.
     Ellie gasps and wiggles to be put down, she runs to the stuffed puppies and points "ama ama oggies" i giggle and nod "would you like to pick one out to adopt?" I ask her making her jump up and down excitedly, She named her puppy Lars which makes us all laugh. Once the rest of the guest arrive the kids pick out their puppies and go through all the activities before we all sit down to eat. Ellie opens all her presents excitedly, when she gets to the ones from Candice's parents we tell her that they are from Mimi's mommy and daddy. She nods and says thank you to everyone before waddling to me and pulling my shirt. That's everyone's cue to say their goodbyes. I give Ellie her milkies once everyone is gone and we watch the movie Balto which Ellie loves.
    I lay her down in her crib once she falls asleep and Candice and I clean up from the party. We spend the rest of the night together cuddling and talking about how much fun Ellie had today and how much we love her before drifting off to sleep in each others arms.

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