33. New grandparents

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Candice and I have taken off for a few days to visit her parents in Indiana. We're currently sitting down to tell Ellie about the trip. Elle is in Candice's lap playing with one of her little toys when I come to sit down. "Ellie we're going on a vacation" I tell her in an excited voice. "Dney world!" She says loudly dropping her toy "no baby, we're going to a place called Indiana." I explain making her frown. "Why?" She questions causing me to stifle a laugh. Candice looks down and boops her nose "cause we're gonna go meet your new grandparents" Ellie's face scrunches up and she starts to cry uncontrollably. We look at each other confused before I take her from Candice and rock her softly. "Baby what's wrong?" "D-don't wan new nonna and op-op, me wuv dem!" She wails making us realize what happened. We try to hold in our laughs as I explain that nonna and pop pop aren't going anywhere. "You get to keep nonna and pop-pop but you're gonna have more grandparents" this causes her to sniffle and look and is confused. "Mo?" I nod
"These grandparents are called nana and Pawpaw" she has a look of awe on her face as she nods. I look at Candice and smile as Ellie loses interest in the conversation and sticks her hand down my shirt. I help her latch and we talk about when we're gonna leave.
The drive is long and brutal. Ellie sleeps the first few hours but after waking up she become restless and most the rest of the ride there.
We finally arrive at the toddler themed hotel called water adventures which makes Ellie stop the crying and look at the place where we're staying in amazement. I sigh in relief as her cries has caused me a headache and I was ready for a nap. "Ama, imi ook ook!!!" She says pointing to the hotel. "Isn't it cool Ellie?" I say with as much excitement as I can muster making her nod enthusiastically. Candice gets the bags and tells me to take Ellie to get checked in.
Once we make it to the room candice brings all the bags up as Ellie excited runs around the castle themed room. I lay on the bed and she eventually crawls in top of me so I can help her latch. She falls asleep and I soon do as well.
Once we wake up we have lunch and drive to Candice's parents house. "I'm so glad to finally meet you" I hear as we walk in and I get a big hug from Candice's mom "I'm Amy and this is Jonas" I greet them before introducing Ellie to her nana and Pawpaw.
Jonas wants to take Ellie out so we go to a children's museum. Ellie has so much fun with all the hands on attractions. After she plays for a while Jonas suggest riding the race cars with Ellie, I feel a bit worried about her getting in one even though I trust him but Ellie keeps shouting "go go machines" when they drive past so I agree. She had a blast and I'm thankful I let her go. Afterwards we go to this shark petting zoo and watch Ellie's face light up at all the new sights.
We finally see Ellie yawn so we decided to head back to the hotel and tell Amy and Jonas we will see them tomorrow. We walk through the indoor water park and Elle sleepily points "we will spend some time here tomorrow, love" I assure her causing her to nod and rest her head in my shoulder.
We pass the arcade and Candice challenges me to a game of lazier tag, she points to the little daycare area and I leave Ellie to take a nap in one of the cribs while we play.
"Winner picks a date for tomorrow!" She challenges we play for 30 minutes and ultimately she wins. I don't know why I stood a chance against a cop, I giggle to myself as we go to get Ellie and head to our room. I lay her down before we cuddle into bed together.

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