20. New people

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       Today is the day...

It's finally here...

    I'm holding Elle in my arms as we stand in a judges office with the adoption papers right in front of us. I sign them while crying knowing now I can go to any lengths to protect my girl.
I walk out of the building and sit in the back to nurse Elle, she falls asleep with her blanket covering her eyes. I detach her from my nipple and replace it with her paci, I'm the drive home I order myself and Candice a cold brew since she's meeting me at the house awaiting the good news. I decide to treat Ellie and get her two spinkled donuts, I try to avoid sugary things but she deserves to indulge in life's little delights.
I place the sleeping child in her crib to nap, and sit at the kitchen table with my sketch book.
I hear the doorbell ring 29 minutes later, I skip to the door and open it wide. "She's my daughter" I whisper shout. She smiles and grabs me up spinning me in a circle, "I'm so so happy for you both" she says only a few inches from my face. I blush and step back into the house tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and looking down. "I got you your coffee" I say shyly pointing into the kitchen as I close the door. "It's in the table" I say following her to the kitchen.
She takes a sip "perfect" she exclaims as if I made it myself. I smile and take a sip of my own.
"I'm so ecstatic I invite; Mel, my parents, brother, as well as Shiela and Linus over for dinner, will you please come?" I ask her with a wide grin. "I'd be delighted" she responds and leans forward, I lean in as well and look down before meeting her gaze again, my heart rate quickens just as the baby monitor lets loose the sounds of a unhappy baby. I look over at the monitor and back at her, I stand but pause before I hear a blood curdling scream from Elle causing me to run to her nursery.
"Mama? MAMAAAAAA" I hear as I walk into her room. "Hush now my love, you're safe" I try to comfort. She reaches for me and I notice she's wet, I lift her and get her undressed out of her pee and sweat soaked clothes.
      "Did my poor angel have a bad dream?" I ask in realization. In that moment the baby let's her bowels loose all over the changing table and me causing a squeal to escape from me. In the panic I let go of the baby causing her to drop the inch she was above the table and land on it lightly; regardless of the small impact she still lets out the most heartbreaking sob.
    As I try to figure out what to do Candice walks in. "I uh heard on the monitor" she explains ans then makes a cringe face before she softens with a look of sympathy. "Let's get you two cleaned up" Candice says. All I can do is nod as she lifts the baby not even caring about her clothes and then lightly leads me to my bathroom.
    "Step in" she instructs me and points to the tub. I step in and she gets the spray nozzle ready. Ellie is still crying softly but watching intently to the scene while holding tightly to Candy's hair. "Would you be uncomfortable to get undressed in front of me" she asks. I think and decide at this point there's nothing, not even being nude in front of the girl I have a thing for the first time, that can keep me in these clothes. I get undressed as she adjusts the temperature making sure it's not too hot or cold and sprays me off. "You know I can do this" I say a little more coherent now. She chuckled and just keeps spraying me, once I'm clean she undressed the baby gently and hands her to me. I take her softly and smile sadly down at her. "My angel doesn't feel well huh?" I ask making her rub her face into my chest but not for milk which answers my question. I look up at Candice and she smile softly before going to spray Ellie too. Once we are done we get out and get dressed while candy gets in the shower. I leave her a pair of clothes and order food for the guest that will arrive in a few hours. I make us some chicken wraps and sweet potato fries for lunch, Ellie doesn't like it much but eats the chicken out if it.
    After our lunch Candice show Elle her favorite Disney movie. I watch Elle enjoy her first Disney movie, zootopia. "Bun Ike yew" my baby coos, after the movie Candice give Elle a surprise she had for her. It's a dog coloring book with a pack of crayons, I watch Elle's confused face. "Wat dat" she says and watches Candice open the book to a page and start to color in the dog making Elle gasp in amazement. "Ama ook! Candy ake colors!!" I giggle "candy is making colors" i walk over "why don't you try, lovely?" I offer her an orange crayon making her smile wide. I watch Candice and Elle color until my family arrives.
We all have a wonderful dinner, Elle hide in my chest the whole time and refused to acknowledge anyone except me, Mel, and Candice. I told everyone we will have to try one on one and they all understood. Once everyone left I told Ellie she could have her donuts. "Wat dooo-nut ma-ma?" My baby says innocently. I smile and get her donuts during them into small bites and I give her a few bites of each not wanting her to have a whole donuts worth. She eat the vanilla with sprinkles first and her eyes widen "is it yummy sweet girl?" I ask making her nod big. Then she tries the chocolate frosted making her ignore the rest of her vanilla, she eats the chocolate quickly and then pouts. There's 3 bite size pieces of a vanilla frosted donut on her high chair. "Mama" I see my baby struggling to Ask for the chocolate without knowing how. "Otter doo-nut" "other donut?" I question as I get 3 bite size peices of the chocolate and put it in her tray making her nod. "Fankies my mama" she says kindly before getting more frosting in her face then in her belly. I clean her up and get her diaper changed, let's get those teethies brushes" I say helping her brush.
Once we're both ready for bed I go to sit in the rocking chair like I usually do by Ellie whines. "What is it babygirl?" "Eep ma, peas eep ma" I sigh knowing she's still scared to sleep. "Of course angel" I say kissing her head. I feel her body relax and I tear up as I cover us up underneath the blankets. "Mommy loves you more than anything in this world, you are my daughter, my baby, forever I will care for you."

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