25. Lets meet Miss. May

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I woke up extra early today, my boss wants me to see clients in the office more which would mean I need someone to watch Ellie. I've done a lot of research and considering Ellie's case I'd like her to have an education. I found this age regression daycare nearby, I gave them a call and they are extremely willing to support Ellie's case. I even went and met the teacher Miss. May, She was so kind and accepting of Ellie's situation. I'm just worried how Elle is gonna react, in the long run I believe this will be good for her. I get all of Ellie's school supplies I bought packed into her new backpack and put all her diapers and necessities into her diaper bag. I wake my munchkin up and we spend some time nursing before I get her dressed into some pink overalls and a sweater for the day. "Don't you look adorable" i praise "where goin mama?" I smile and put her on my hip. "Well we're going to a place called sunny Springs, they have lots of toys and coloring books" i tell her excitedly "reawwy ama?" She bounces on my hit. "Yes baby" I kiss her head and put her in her high chair. I feed her the oatmeal I made before I woke her. She finishes pretty quickly, I wipe her off and I carry her to the car. I play tiny tunes until we pull up. I take a deep breath and walk around to pick my baby up. I walk inside and sign her in before I walk into Miss. May's classroom. Miss. May greets Ellie making her hide in my hair. She takes her bags and shows me her cubby, we show Ellie the toy area where she does crawl down and play with some blocks. I talk with Miss. may before she tells me it's best to not say goodbye but to sneak out while they're distracted but the thought breaks my heart so kneel down. "Hi ama" "hi baby, mama needs to go to work but I will be back I promise" I assure her but she shakes her head and clings to me "nu ama nu eeve" I tear up and kiss her head before I pull her off me lightly. "Peas Ama nuu" Ellie wails when miss May picks her up. I walk out of the door but stand outside and listen as miss may tries to soothe her i peep in and see Ellie has hidden under the farthest desk closest to the wall making me break down and cry when some other parents show up to drop off their kids. I walk to my car and drive to work knowing she will call if she doesn't calm down.
By lunchtime I'm surprised I haven't been called, I eat half my lunch when I see her name pop up in the screen. I answer it quickly. "Hello" "I'm so sorry to bother you penny but Ellie is so distraught and kicks and screams if anyone tries to touch or move her. I think she's had enough for today" "thank you May I appreciate the call I'm on the way. I hang up and tell my boss, he says he'll cancel my appointments for me. I thank him and run out of the door, once I make it to the school I rush inside and to the classroom. When I open the door I see Ellie in the same spot I saw her crawl into when I left. My heart sinks and I walk over to her, she doesn't see me at first, "lovebug?" "Ama!" She screams and jumps into my arms "I told you I'd be back babygirl" she nods and squeezes me tightly I wave at the teacher and carry her to the car buckling her into her car seat. I give her one of the bottles I left at the daycare for her since she clearly didn't eat. She drinks it quickly but falls asleep before she finishes. I sit in the car with her for a little bit before I lift her up and take her to her crib. I change my clothes and lay down pretty tired from the day and worry.
I'm woken up by my baby's cries. I rush to her crib and pick her up lifting my shirt up and sitting in the rocking chair letting her drink her milkies. She finishes with a burp and a giggle. I smile and kiss her little nose. I carry her to her play pen and turn on bubble guppies for her while I cook. Once done with the veggie soup I put her in her high chair and slowly feed her as I eat, she finishes all her food. I clean her up and place her down. She crawls to gets a coloring book and crayons and sits on her play mat, I smile and sit with her and color the other page. She starts to fall asleep on the book so I lift her up and clean up the crayons so Lars doesn't eat them and carry her to her crib for the night. I have a hard time falling asleep so I call Candice. We talk for a few hours before I start to get sleepy but I don't want to hang up so I let myself fall asleep on the phone listening to her melodic voice.

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