23. Mommy blue's

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       Candice is mine, I can't believe it. I just don't know how to explain it to Ellie, that thought goes through my mind when I hear cries over the baby monitor.
     I get out of bed and hurry to my babygirl, upon opening the door the first thing I see is her little body holding herself up in the bars of her crib. "Ma" my baby sobs.
"Mama is here baby" I coo while lifting her up and cuddle her close as I carry her to the changing table "let's get you out of this nasty diapey, hm?" I try to calm her tears but she keeps sobbing until I pick her back up and begs for milkies.
   I sit down quickly in the rocking chair and lift my shirt up, I rarely wear bras anymore. I help my little one latch, her sobs turn to hums.
     My phone vibrates pulling my attention away from my darling babygirl, I shift slightly and pull my phone my pocket trying not to disturb Elle.
    I see that it's my boss and I take a breath in to prepare to speak professionally. "Hello Sir, how are you?" I greet immediately. "Good morning Penelope, I'm well. How are you and Miss. Ellie doing?" My boss asks nicely. We chat for a moment before we get to the reason for calling. "I'm sorry to disturb you so early but I've had some issues at the office. Is there anyway you can come down?" I cringe at the thought of leaving my baby but I've never heard my boss plead before. "Let me see if I can find a babysitter." I say. "Thank you so much, you're the best Penny" I smile and hang up before calling my parents, unfortunately they are both in the next state away at a flee market. My only other option is to see if Candice is off today.
     If she is I'm going to have to ask her to sit with me and Elle when I get back and explain what it means for us to be together and make sure Elle is okay with that.
     I smile down at my girl who unlatches to smile at me, I wipe her face and lift her up getting her dressed before I call Candice. "Hello" "hey there" "hey" "hi" she says tiredly making me giggle.
      "Good morning sleepy head" she just groans. "Well I'm sorry to bother you but my boss asked me to come into the office and My parents aren't in town-" "I'd love to watch that sweet angel" Candice cuts me off not sounding tired anymore. I can't help but smile at the idea she was excited enough to fully wake up.
      "I'll get ready and be on my way" "thank you so much, I owe you one." "No way I'm so excited to hang out with little Ellie today, I'll see you soon" and with that she hung up.
    I get dressed as quickly as possible and feed Ellie some pancakes. By the time I'm cleaning her up the doorbell rings letting me know Candice is here.
I let her in and greet her with a hug. "Candy" my baby says with a wave making Candice smile and kiss her head. "Hi there Ellie bug" she coos.
     I look down and realize I need to get dressed still and frown. "Can you watch her while I get dressed? If she cries you can come sit with me" I say and she nods before carrying my sweet baby to the couch.
I rush upstairs and get dressed as quickly as I can into a pencil skirt and blouse with a bow on the front. I go into my bathroom and start on my hair and makeup when my door opens. I turn and smile at Candice and Elle. "We missed you" Candice says sheepishly and Ellie backs her up "miss chu!" She yells. "I missed you both" I say and wink at Candice before going back to my makeup. I watch Candice and Elle dance to the music I have playing, it's not the most appropriate music for her age but she doesn't understand so I leave it on for now.
When my makeup is done I walk to Ellie and lift her up, the first thing she does is try to untie the bow on my blouse.
    I pull her hand away and kiss her head. "I'll get this little one dressed for the day. She's already had breakfast and milk but will probably want a bottle before lunch time. I can leave some cash on the table for take out since I didn't have time to prepare anything for you both." I explain finishing up my makeup.
   "Oh no it's my treat for the little one don't worry" she protests and before I have a chance to argue she says "please" I nod and walk into the nursery with them following closely behind.
      Candice puts Ellie down and she crawls to her toy box. "Ellie I gotta get you dressed sweet pea" I coo she grabs a stuffed banana and crawls to me. I smile and find her a yellow onesie and jean shorts with bananas on it to match her stuffed friend. "Ma nana" she points as I get her changed into a fresh diaper and her outfit. "That's right angel" I coo as I get her socks on her little feet.
Candice comes and picks up my little one, i tear up at the thought of leaving her for the day. Candice leans in and kisses my cheek before whispering "don't worry I'll take good care of her and we will have lots of fun" i smile and realize I'm running late. "Okay bug, mama has to go to work for the day, be good for Candy" "w-oke?" My baby tilts her head "don't worry mama will be back" I kiss her head and run out the door before the waterworks start.

Candice's pov:

The day has gone so smoothly we watch Disney junior and I took Ellie to the park, I got her a happy meal and by the time we arrive home and I get her out of the car seat Penny left in the garage she's pulling back into the driveway. "MAMA" she screams and toddles off towards Penny who picks her up and spins her around.
"How'd she do?" "Amazing only cried for about 30 minutes" i say and explain what we did for the rest of the day "marvelous, mommy is so proud of you angel" she says as Ellie reaches her hand down her blouse. Penny giggles "would you like to stay for dinner" i nod and wonder if we're gonna tell Ellie of our relationship.

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