18. Not your mommy

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Penelope's pov:

        I've been awake all night, every time I fell asleep Ellie woke me crying needing a change. Her poor belly has finally gotten better but she still refuses to sleep, She's nursed so many times my nipples are sore. I don't know how she has so much energy all of a sudden but ever since 5am she's been zooming.
      We had Belgian waffles this morning with cantaloupe, and Ellie devoured her whole plate before she begged for milkies. She's now sat in front of the tv watching 'Ni Hao Kai Lan,' while slamming her sippy cup on the floor when I walk in. "Ellie what are you doin?" "Mo juju" I smile "say please" "peeeeeassss" she draws out. I chuckle and get her some apple juice, when I bring it back to her she takes a sip before nodding big in approval.
       After a while of the baby playing and watching her show she falls asleep on her train set. I carry her to her nursery and change her diaper before putting her in her crib. I'm walking downstairs and my phone rings, when I see the caller Id my heart jumps in my chest.
      "Hey Candice!" I answer a bit too enthusiastically making her laugh before answering. "Hey Penny, I just left the shooting range and I'm in the neighborhood. I thought, maybe...uh...I could stop by...you know if it's no problem!" She strutters out meaning it was my turn to laugh. "I'm sure that would be no problem, I was just about to start lunch." I say making it to the kitchen and starting my plans for cucumber salad with roasted tomato and mozzarella paninis. "You're a vegetarian right?" I make sure as I start cooking. "Yeah but don't worry if you don't make anything for me." She says back quickly. "You're actually in luck, my plans are fully vegetarian!" I assure her happily. There's a few moments of silence before she speaks again "well I'm getting my guns loaded into the car now so I'll be by in about 15" she says making me internally groan at the mess. "Okay see you soon" I say before hanging up and tidying the house as quickly as possible. It takes 10 minutes for me to be satisfied with the house, I get started on the salad and put it in the fridge while I start on the first panini but get interrupted by the door bell. I walk to the door and move Lars out of the way to let Candice inside.
She pets Lars as I run back to the kitchen careful to not burn my panini. I get mine plated and start on hers "everything smells so good!" She says leaning over my shoulder. I can't help but blush profusely so I lean down to let my hair cover my face. I plate her food and get the salad out plating it as well.
"Would you like anything to drink?" "You have tea?" "Of course I do" I say pouring her a big glass of iced tea as well as one for me before I sit next to her to eat. "Where's the little one?" She says looking at me, I didn't realize how close she was but I can feel her breath tickle my nose. "She's uh still napping" I say having to clear my throat half way through my sentence. She smiles as she begins eating, she moans softly after her first bite, "this is amazing" she exclaims. My face is completely red at the point and after she wipes her mouth she winks at me. I go to take a bite of my own food when I hear the baby monitor erupt with cries from my girl.
"Let me go get her." I say standing and hurrying up the stairs to the nursery. "There's my sleepy girl" I coo walking into the room. She sits up and reaches for me immediately. I lift her up and change her wet diaper and put her in black leggings and a big Disney princess shirt. I struggle to get socks on her feet but finally succeed and carry her downstairs. "Want to meet the lady who helped save you?" I ask her making her tilt her head at me. I walk in and she hides her face seeing Candice.
"This is Candice, she helped bring you back to mommy." I say making her look at her, she points at her "C-candy? Bing 'omes?" She asks wearily making me nod "yes Candy helped bring you home." She nods and waves shyly before she looks at me "num nums?" She asks pointing to Candice's plate. "Of course baby", I say putting her in her high chair.
I get her some cucumber salad and a pb&j uncrustable I had ready for her and put it on her tray making her clap and dance.
      She eats her bite size pieces of uncrustable and she only eats a few bites of the cucumber salad not liking the vinaigrette taste. I chuckle and kiss her head before cleaning her off "she's such a cute girl" Candice says making me turn and smile at her, "isn't she?"
      I get her out and put her on her play mat in the living room, she starts playing with her blocks happily. Candice and I sit on the couch for a while and talk but when she leans over and puts her arm around me Ellie toddles over and slaps Candice's knee "NO! Ot yew mommy, mines ma!" She has an angry red face and she looks at me with a pleasing look. "Oh my angel!" I coo picking her up "I am no one else's mommy, but we don't hit" I scold softly "mines mama" she says snuggling into me in full on tears. I rock her for a while before she calms down "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to upset her" Candice explains looking worried. "Oh, no worries she's just a territorial little thing." I giggle "she'll warm up to you when she realized you aren't trying to take me away" I wink at her. She smiles back at me "I am gonna head home and get out of these sweats though. Thanks for lunch it was delicious!" She says standing. I put the baby on my hip and close the door behind her. Once she's gone my baby instantly pushes her head up my shirt. I chuckle and help her latch once I sit on the couch making her hum in happiness.
Once Elle finished her milkie she just lays in my lap looking up at me while playing with my hair. I start singing Vienna by billy Joel which makes her yawn.
I put her in her crib once she falls asleep and I watch an episode of a show called 'you' on Netflix. I only get an episode in before Ellie starts crying from her crib. I change the tv to Disney junior and go get my baby. I change her diaper and bring her downstairs, I sit her on her play mat while I get started on dinner. I watch Ellie try to put her toy puzzle together, I take a big breath and just smile watching my whole heart thinking hard with her tongue sticking out. No matter what happens, as long as I have this sweet angel by my side, everything's gonna be okay.

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