2. Penelope?*

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A/N: hi, I'm Rosie. I had this idea for a story and wanted to write it. If there are any mistakes feel free to correct me I'm not the best writer and I do have some learning disabilities. I have gone over each chapter for the most part but I'll need to read through again before I'm sure it's edited. I hope you read this book that you enjoy and if you have any ideas I'd love to hear them. Thank you, xx Rosie

      It's been a week since the man found the girl. He still hasn't learned her name and she's yet to speak.

She's even more terrified than the day he found her, she cowers every time he walks into the room. He scolds her for crying and punishes her for making any noises. He even screams at her to speak, if that would work. He even tried spankings which just made the girl more scared of the man.

       The girl is currently huddled in a ball gripping her legs and trying to stay warm. The crib is bare except for a sheet on the mattress. Aiden walks in and she looks up with wide eyes. He's back, is all she can think. He walks to her and picks her up to change her diaper. He also puts her into a frilly dress. Once finished he puts the girl on his hip and carries her down to an already warmed bottle of a vanilla protein shake. He sits on the couch he lays her down on his lap before he puts the nipple of the bottle to her lips. At this the baby latches quickly, she's learned that the bottle is her only form of food since she's been with the man. The girl is too little to be able to escape the man and at times she knows she's better off. The man is scary though and her tummy is still always hungry after her bottles. The little girl cries when the bottle is taken from her. But of course, the man ignores her protests and grabby hands for the bottle. He puts her on his shoulder and burps the crying baby.

Once she lets out a few small burps Aiden picks her up and puts her in a car seat in the car. The girl doesn't know what to expect since she's never been in a car before. Aiden yells at the baby the whole way to the mall, he's mad that the girl never quiets her cries. He wants to get a few things for the girl considering the clothes from his past little ones are too big for the malnourished girl.

When the man comes around the car to get the girl he puts her on the ground making her fall to her knees and wail. He roughly picks her up and puts her in a shopping cart, luckily she fits but her knees are bleeding and the girl is a screaming mess. The man rubs his face with his hand and pushes the girl into the mall. He picks a few clothes before the girl points out a stuffed frog, Aiden doesn't notice causing the girl to just reach and grab him. She's smiling for the first time since the man found the girl. When Aiden turns around he sees her big smile and he sighs. "If you stay quiet I'll buy the animal," he says meanly. The girl didn't understand him except that he was mean, this scared her and caused her to whimper. "I'm serious" the man threatens, the girl hugs the frog close but manages to stay quiet with the newfound comfort of the frog.

After what feels like hours to the girl, the man buys the clothes, diapers, and even the girl's frog. When the man takes the frog from the girl to pay for it though this causes her to wail. "What did I say?" Aiden shouts causing the girl to hiccup as she sobs. At this moment a boy walks by, and he decides that the man is mean to the girl. "Hey! Dats 'ot iice" he yells and walks up to the man as close as he can get. The man is much taller than the short little. Aiden laughs and pushes the boy without a word.

Penelope's POV:
I'm shopping with my sister's little, Linus. I'm looking at dog toys "Which one do you think Lars will like the best?" I ask as I turn holding up two dog toys....but I don't see Linus, I swear he was right behind me. I turn a few times making sure he's not down the aisle before I panic. "Linus?!?" I scream and drop the toys, Rushing around the store and screaming his name. My sister is going to kill me, I think to myself when I hear Linus shout. I rush to the front of the store near the registers where I see Linus puffing his chest up against a strange man.

"Linus, come here" I sternly yell. He looks at me in fear, "Aunty Penny, this man is scaring this baby" Linus points to a girl who's over 18 dressed as a baby in a shopping cart. When I look at the girl's face she has a look of terror on her face while making grabby hands at a toy frog. I assume her daddy just took the toy to pay for it. "Linus mind your own business, her daddy needs to pay for it" I explain as he runs to me and hugs me. The girl whimpers and my heart aches but I push the thought away, thinking I'm just jealous.

I've been looking for my own little for quite some time but I've yet to find the right little bundle of joy. Luckily my sister lets me babysit her little but it's not the same.

After Linus and I pick out a toy I take him to Chick-fil-A and get him a kid's meal. We're sitting in the food court eating when I hear a baby screaming like they're in pain. My mommy instincts look around and behind me, I see the man from earlier. He is standing with the stuffed frog in his hand holding it over the trash can. His other hand is wrapped around the girl's arm painfully and she is reaching for the frog from the ground in sobs. I've yet to hear the girl speak but her sobs are enough of an indication that she is hurt and unhappy.

        I rush to the man and snatch the frog from him, I hand it to the little one before I pick her up. "Why would you treat your little one like this?" I half yell in an attempt to not startle the baby more. "What do you care? Besides she's not even my little I found her on the street, she doesn't even speak" he grunts before adding "You know what you can have her, I'm done" he walks away. The girl relaxes a tiny bit in my arms but then looks at me with wide eyes. It seems the girl knows I saved her but is still unaware of how to feel. She's clutching the stuffed frog to her chest.
I carry the girl to where Linus is sitting with our food. The girl is hiding in my chest when I sit down. She looks up at me curiously like a newborn baby would but then eyes the fries and nuggets in front of me. I wasn't the most hungry so I attempted to feed her a bite of fri. The girl is hesitant at first and closes her lips tightly but after the fri touches her lips I see her lick it with her small tongue. She slowly opens her mouth, her eyes widen and she starts to eat my food so quickly like she hasn't eaten in a long time. "Slow down munchkin" I try to soothe the girl. I'm not surprised when she doesn't slow but I let her eat until the food is gone. I feel glad that I tore the food into tiny bites so she wouldn't choke. "Woah Aunty Penny, she ate fast," Linus says with wide eyes and I nod in awe myself.
I watch him look down at his leftover fries and singular chicken nuggets before offering them to the girl which she happily takes from him. I tear those up for her as well and she happily munches. I wonder to myself if the man ever fed the poor girl.
I think about what the man said, that he found her on the street. I think she needs shelter, I have an extra room so I decide I'm taking her home regardless of whether she ever talks or not. I'm worried the girl is hurt and start to consider taking her to the hospital. It's at that moment the baby messes up her diaper, I feel it on my lap fill up fast, she grunts and makes silly faces as she pushes, and after a few minutes, she relaxes for a moment before she starts to cry. "Come on Linus, let's get the baby cleaned up and then back home," I say when I realize I have no diapers. I walk to the nearby diaper store to go buy a pack, luckily they have adult diapers. I also grab an adult frog pacifier for later that I'll put in my purse, just in case. I'm walking to the register when the baby makes grabby hands at a blanket with frogs and ducks on it. I can't help it and don't even think twice before I grab it and she snuggles close to it immediately. I smile happily and pay for the things, I give the girl the blanket before she can fuss. "Is this baby your new little?" Linus asks me. He's been pretty quiet this trip and I think it's the confusion of the situation. "Well, I'm not sure Linus. I don't know what the baby wants or needs" I explain leading him to the bathroom with me. Luckily they have a family bathroom for us all to go into.
I get her to the bathroom and lay her on the changing table. "I need to peepee" Linus shouts as if he just realized. "Okay, Linus Aunty is right here," I say. He's potty trained for the most part and just needs assistance when wiping. I go back to changing the girl. I admire her features for a moment. She is clearly over 18 but does look young.  She is very lightweight for her age and doesn't even cause the baby changing table stress. She looks a bit sickly due to malnourishment.
I change her into a clean diaper but when I pull her legs up she yelps and cries harder. I see dried blood on her knees and it seems something may be broken. I then see a rash so bad she's covered in blisters. It's that moment I decided she needed to get medical attention.

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