24. Two birthday's

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A/n: I'm sorry I've had such bad writers block and I know this chapter isn't the best but I have a lot of ideas for the other half of this story so try to bare with me. Thank you for reading. -Rosie

Candice and I talked to Ellie about our relationship, she didn't fully understand what it meant. "Dis mean Candy pay wid me mo?" Is all she asked. Candice said said of course making Elle nod happily.
Today Candice and I are planning a party for Ellie. The doctor said Ellie  aged mentally even apart from me making her headspace 2 years old. I've decided she missed out on too many birthdays, so we Will celebrate her gotcha day which was 2 years ago today when I found her in the mall; and the day she was born.
I invited my family and decorated the house while Elle was down for her morning nap. Candice picked up the cake and I made a charcuterie board and tacos for everyone. I hear coos coming from the baby monitor, when I walk into Ellie's room I see her laying down playing with her frog. "Good morning lovebug" I coo pulling the bar down. She smiles when I lift her up "my mama" she snuggles into me. I sit in the rocking chair and breast feed her. Once she's done I get her dressed into her birthday outfit.  It's 11:30 and the guest will be here in 30 minutes. I make birthday pancakes for Ellie and tell her about her special day. "Today is the day mama found you and we are gonna celebrate you coming home with me" "wuv mama" she pats her high chair tray. "I love you babygirl." The doorbell rings, I answer the door revealing Candice. After a kiss on the cheek we walk into the living room, "it looks so cute in here" Candice coos at the pink decorations.
   When we walk into the kitchen Ellie is covered in pink frosting and smiling at us "candy candy" she reaches with grabby hands. "Let mama clean you off, bug" I chuckle and wipe her clean before handing her to Candice. She snuggles into her while we go back into the living room, I turn on Minnie Mouse while we wait for the guests to arrive.
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Everyone is here and eating, Ellie is surprisingly hyper she tells everyone it's her "got got day" making everyone laugh. After everyone is finished eating it's time for the cake, I pick Ellie up and Candice brings the cake over and lights the candles we all start singing happy birthday making her clap excitedly. I help her blow the candles out and Candice cuts the cake. I put Ellie in her high chair and put a bib on her before we hand her her first cake ever. We video her shove the whole thing in her mouth.
We all have a piece of cake before I clean her off and go to the living room for gifts. Candice and I sit and help her open all her gifts. She gots lots of stuffies and puzzles. We also got her coloring supplies "ook ama oggiss" she says pointing at one of the coloring books. "That's right baby!" Once all the gifts are open I turn the tv to cartoons while she plays with her new blocks. I make us coffee while Linus and Ellie play, after about an hour Ellie crawls to me on the couch. I set my coffee cup down and lift her up, "you enjoying your new toys love?" She nods big and pats my boob I smile and tell everyone I'll be back. I take her upstairs and sit in her rocking chair, I lift my shirt up and she latches on fast. I rub her hair "you're a hungry little one hm?" I ask making her grunt. Candice come into the room and sits on the floor "hi pretty lady" i great her making her smile. "Your family said to tell you they're gonna head out when Ellie is finished." I smile "that's good this little one will want a nap soon" i say making her nod "me too" she giggles "we could have a nap together?" I suggest shyly "I'd like that very much" she says when I stand to change Ellie's diaper. We walk out together and tell everyone bye Ellie waves sleepily. We sit on the couch with Ellie while she watches the cartoon. 10 minutes in and she's asleep, I take her to her crib and lead candice to my room. "Here's some sleep pants you can wear if you'd like" i say opening my drawer and handing them over she thanks me and goes into the bathroom while I change into some shorts. We cuddle up under the covers when she returns. "I had a good time today" she says sleepily. "I did too, having you by my side definitely brightens up any occasion even with my parents involved" I chuckle "they mean well" she smiles making me nod. She kisses my head and I drift to sleep.
When we wake up I decide to make dinner, I make a veggie pasta and head to wake Ellie up when it's done. I change her diaper and bring her to the kitchen. She eats it all making a big mess. I clean her up and I nurse her on the couch. Candice stayed and watched a movie with us before she went home. Ellie fell asleep in my arms shortly after, I put her in her crib and go to bed, happy with how the day turned out.

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