5. First day

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         Penelope's pov:

            I wake up to something wet touching my face. I groan loudly and roll over dramatically, when I do I feel something under me yelp before my ears start ringing.
Out of surprise I inevitably rolled off the couch, causing me to look up.
        The thing under me? Eleanor...
       I jump up fast as she starts to scream louder somehow. I pick her up and put her into my lap "oh babygirl, I'm so sorry" I check to make sure I didn't hurt her and decide I must have scared her more that anything. I let out a sigh of relief, but instantly suck it back in. Where's Linus? And what woke me up that was wet? I look around and don't see any spills or evidence to where it might have come from. I see Lars sitting across from me and decide he was the culprit. I let him outside and fill his bowl for when he comes in.
I suddenly hear a crash when I move to put Eleanor back down on the couch causing me to jerk my head towards to noises. 'What on earth is that boy up to?' I think as I March towards the sound of the crash.
      I hear soft cries coming from Ellie but clearly Linus is up to no good. I groan and search for any sign of destruction or the troublesome little.
       After what feels like ages I finally find that the tv in my bedroom has a hole like smash in it, as well as a baseball on the floor below it. "Linus? Are you hurt?" I call for him. I look under my bed and in the bathroom for him not seeing any sign of life.
   I huff when I hear a small sniffle, it was so quiet I almost didn't hear it. I walk towards my closet and open the door, I see little feet sticking out from behind my coats. "Linus, what happened?" He looks up with a startled look on his face.
       "I-I-I uz p'ayin' wid ball..." he stutters out and then bursts into tears "I 'owwy aunty penny" he wails and rushes to me wrapping his arms around my waist. I was sitting up on my legs as he held onto me and sobbed into my chest. I adjust the distraught boy in my arms so he lays across my lap. I rub his tummy. "I'm going to let your mommy punish you okay? How about for now we head to get breakfast."
      My sister has allowed me to punish Linus as needed but with Ellie in the next room probably still crying I can't focus on the matter. 
     "Cakies?" "Okay cakies it is." I agree and stand helping the boy to his feet. He hold my hand as we walk back to the living room. Ellie is indeed still crying while hiccuping. I feel guilty as I pick the small girl up. She's only an infant and she thinks I hurt her and then abandoned her. I nuzzle her close and she presses her face into my neck suckling my neck as she try's to calm her cries.
         I turn the tv on to a Dino show Linus enjoys before walking to the kitchen. I need a high chair if I'm going to be caring for such a young minded bean. I carry the girl on my hip as I try to cook pancakes one handed. It wasn't easy but I manage to have a plate stacked with blueberry pancakes 15 minutes later.
     I plate Linus' cut up pancake on a Mickey Mouse sectional plate and give his a sliced banana as well. I plate food for myself before I mush up a banana in a bowl for Ellie and warm her a bottle.
      I put the plates on the table before I call out for Linus. "Breakkys ready, come and get it" i say in a sing song tone. I get Linus a sippy cup of orange juice and get myself a cup a coffee while Ellie sucks on my neck letting me know she's hungry.
       Linus comes pattering in and sits down after he finishes washing his hands. I sit next to him with Ellie in my lap. I go between feeding her bites of mushed banana and feeding myself. She makes a mess making me wish I had bibs for her, I make a mental note to order some.
      While I'm trying to clean Ellie's face I hear the door bell ring; causing me to stop wiping the squirming baby's face.
        "Mommy" Linus screams and goes to get the door. "Make sure it's mommy first" I make sure to warn him. I lay her across my body and take the top off her bottle. I check the temperature, making sure it's warm but not too hot before putting the nipple of the bottle to her lips and stand.
       I emerge from the kitchen seeing Linus run from the window and to the door unlocking it "mommy" he screams jumping into my sisters arms.
I stand bottle feeding Ellie and smiling at the two. My sister couldn't have children of her own and looked for a little for a long time before she found Linus, I'm so happy they have each other now.
       "Hey Sheila, want a cup of coffee?" I ask eagerly. I don't get to spend time with my sister much but I enjoy spending time with her.
"I'm sorry. Linus has a doctors appointment to get a new inhaler." Sheila frowns "but I'd love to come spend some time this weekend with you and this small little cutie." she finishes by tickling Ellie's socked foot causing an eruption of giggles from the baby behind the bottle.
       We both hear a hmph as Linus grabs onto his mommy's leg. He clearly doesn't want to go and after yesterday I don't blame the poor boy. I called Sheila last night during dinner and explained everything.
       I know she's going to have a tough time getting him in to see the doctor on time so I shoot her a sympathetic look as she picks the boy up and gives me a side hug. "I'll see you in a week" she promises me with a wave. Before the door closes I hear "wuv aunty penny" I chuckle and look down at Ellie, who has finished her bottle and is staring up at me. I burp her and help her into a warm bath.
        I thought it would be easy but the poor baby was distraught. I ended up in the bath with Eleanor as I got her clean. She turns her body into me and clings to my body. I rub her warm back making the water wash over her. I feel her move around and then latch onto my nipple again.
       I haven't produced milk or even taken the lactation pills yet but the doctor said dry nursing helps with the production of it regardless.  I don't mind her doing it,
who am I stop the girl from just needing some extra comfort.
                        •   •    •
       After our bath I get us both dressed. Ellie has a toddler rice and veggie meal and I have some left over pizza and a salad. The rice ends up all over the floor and Ellie after I finish feeding her and myself. I clean her off and put her in her bouncer that came today. I clean up around the house while she watches dora. Even though it's only the first day it's gone by quite smoothly.
       I do start back work tomorrow as it's Monday but I work from home and imagine I can make time for my new priority.
     I walk back in to see the cutest sight, Ellie is sprawled out in the bouncer with a small blanket tucked around her. Her arms are strewn above her head as she grips her baby blankie close to her face and over her eyes. Her little feet are stretch out as she holds her frog tightly in her arms and her paci in her lips.
         I return some emails as she naps before I move on to read my book. I look at the time and stand to make us dinner. Deciding to make chicken and dumplings I just feed the girl the broth and chicken mostly. Once we're done eating and cleaned up I get a bottle ready for her and carry her to my bed. I get her changed into a fresh diaper and a cute onesie and me into sweats before climbing into bed and putting the bottle to her lips.
       She instantly latches and suckles contently as she flutters her eyes. I start to sing Vienna by billy Joel softly as she drifts. Once she falls asleep she leaves a third of her bottle. I put her paci into her mouth and pull her into my arms. I make sure my alarms are set before I drift into a peaceful sleep.
        I awake to screaming coming from beside me. Eleanor is rolled into the sheets and covered in sweat. The poor baby must have had a nightmare. I lift her up and she thrashes against me. "Shh shh it's okay I'm here lovely girl" I coo and caress her face.
        Her cries turn to hiccups so I stand with her and change the sheets. I get her into a clean diaper and decide to just put one of my shirts on her. We crawl back into bed and I lay her in my chest. She holds the hem of my shirt and pulls grunting. She spits her paci out and starts to cry when I pull my shirt up and help her latch to me. I start the lactation pills tomorrow so hopefully soon she will have all the milk her little heart desires. She settles down as she suckles, I can't help but fall asleep with her as she suckles me in her sleep.

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