7. Two weeks later

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Penelope's pov:

It's been two weeks since I started back to work. Elle isn't the most fond of it now as she just isn't entertained by her toys and tv the same she was when she got here.
She seems to be in distress every time I leave the room. I've moved her play mat to my office floor where she does tummy time during my sessions but her coos and baby noises are heard sometimes causing a bit of an unprofessional atmosphere.
        I'm finished with my sessions for the day but I'm still sat at my desk getting some paperwork and emails done when I start hearing Ellie making a silly noises, I start to notice she's trying to mimics the sound of my mouse and keyboard. I chuckle while standing, it's definitely time for the work day to be over. I walk towards her and she squeals while reaching for me, babbling away. Once she's situated on my hip I walk to the living room. "Is that so? That must have been a crazy day" I pretend to know what Ellie is babbling on about causing her to giggle as I place her in her high chair.
        We've done a lot of practice over the last two weeks and she's finally able to sit in her high chair. We had eggs for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch which Ellie had extra small cut up bites of hers. She's still drinking her protein bottles as my milk is only dribbling out it's really not enough to sustain her.
         I'm currently searching through my pantry trying to decide on dinner as Ellie is slapping her high chair try and babbling on in baby talk.
     I decide to make myself some veggie soup hoping Ellie will like it. I get started and keep Ellie distracted by singing and dancing across the kitchen as I cook. She enjoys the wheels on the bus until dinner is finally done and I've got us each a bowl ready. I make sure to put some ice cubes in her soup and let it cool. I put some gold fish on her tray as I start eating my soup. Once it's cooled some I blow on her soup and begin spoon feeding her.
She claps and bounces in her seat "yummy hmm, want more?" I ask while doing sign language for more and she nods happily and does the gesture back. Over the past few weeks we've been working on baby sign language so she can communicate with me better. She's gotten the hang of more but thank you not so much. She's sitting up on her own much better now and she hasn't tried to walk again since last time. Her doctor said she's going to mostly act about 6 months but due to her physical age being older she may catch on to older milestones sooner. I imagine she knows how to walk from being forced too but can't do it well on her own.
We finish our soup and I get Ellie's out of the high chair and place her on the floor to get her bottle ready. She can't crawl yet but she has started to sit up on her own. She doesn't move much usually and just sits still while I warm her bottle but this time when I turn around with her bottle, she is half way standing while pulling herself up using the table. I drop the bottle onto the counter and grab her quickly "no ma'am you could get hurt" I lightly scold her tapping her hand with my finger before I carry her back to the bottle. It must be time to get baby proofing supplies, I think to myself as I sit down with her and adjust her to latch to her bottle. She sticks her hands into my bra and plays with my nipple, this has become a constant with bottle feeding. The more nursing we do the more she becomes infatuated with my breasts.
        The bottle becomes empty as Ellie continues to suckles the empty bottle. I reach over for her paci and replace her bottle. She whines but accepts it before she cuddles into me falling asleep shortly after. I put her in her sleeper and call to make an appointment for someone to come babyproof the house, we agree on tomorrow afternoon. I'm off and plan to have a good day with my baby while we wait for them to come.

                   •     •     •

            I carry Ellie to bed once I tidy the house. I lay her on my chest once I'm comfy. 
I'm asleep fast but wake up before I know it to loud screaming. I look around frantically for Ellie only to find her on the floor, she must have fallen off in her sleep. This is all my fault considering I could have had the crib ready by now but was enjoying her cuddling too much at night and put it off. I sigh and rock the girl in my arms after checking for wounds. She tugs my shirt so I remove it, before I help her latch onto my boob and after a few minutes It feels different. I look down and she has milk flowing down her cheek. I gasp as she giggles up at me smiling wide "is it yummy milkies?" I coo wiping the milk off her face with my thumb. After a minute or two she runs out of milk and begins to whine, I switch her to my right breast. She latched quickly and after another minute she is drinking her new milk aggressively.
"Such a little boob monster" I joke knowing she is already loving breastfeeding.
        She finally falls asleep about 30 minutes after she ran out of milk. Almost as if she had to make sure it was most definitely gone before she could relax enough.  Once asleep I surround her with every pillow I have and head to the shed to finish her crib.
        It takes 4 hours before it's finish being built. I get the white paint and add the first coat. While it dries I check on the still sleeping baby curled up in the middle of the large bed. I walk down to the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea. Once my tea is empty I go back to the shed adding a second coat and then joining Ellie back In bed.
I wake up to a hand slapping me in the face followed by soft giggles. I squint my eyes open and chuckle at my baby sitting up staring at me with her hand up ready to smack me again. I grab her and pull her over my body. "Someone's feeling feisty this morning" I chuckle trying to get some morning cuddles but I feel her tiny head go under my shirt, that had risen up my body, and latch onto my breast. I jump a bit in surprise before I chuckle "not feisty, thirsty" I correct myself with a shake of the head. This girl is already so obsessed with mommy milk. I think about that for a moment, am I her mommy? I'd like to be but I can't decide that and neither can she really. I look down at her big innocent eyes staring up at me. She's gripping my shirt tightly and smiling at me. "Are you my babygirl?" I ask seriously knowing I won't get an answer. "I'd like to be your mama" I chuckle when the milk runs out and she unlatches with a pout. I switch her to the other side as she happily latched back on.
Breakfast goes by smoothly. Ellie and I enjoyed some banana oatmeal, I have toast and coffee with mine though. Once she's cleaned up I sit on the couch holding Ellie while we watch doc mcstuffins. We stay like this for a few hours until the people come to baby proof the house. I instruct them on what to do as Ellie clings to me while shaking. I think men are spooky to her since the man who had her before me. I shiver at the thought and hold her protectively the whole time. Once they leave she is begging to nurse. I let her latch on, clearly not needing any help anymore.
She falls asleep attached to my boob so I switch it for her paci while she sleeps. I lay her on my bed while I bring her new crib to her bedroom. I pick her up before placing her in her new bed. She stretches out and turns over in her sleep sucking her paci. I turn the baby monitor on that I bought with her mattress and walk out of her room leaving her to nap.
I search for Lars finding him curled up on the couch. I take him outside to play catch with him for a while. We go inside tired from running. I get some water for myself and put ice cubes in lars' bowl. When I walk to the couch I find Lars already snuggled up. I turn the tv on and we cuddle in front of it; with me stretched out and lars laying his big body all across mine. This is how we remain waiting for Eleanor to wake up.

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