14. Who are you?

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A/N - a quick note to let everyone know that the pictures/outfits above do not belong to me. I do make the collages on 'ShopLook', that being said if there is a drawing or picture of a person it doesn't make it mine. Anyway I hope you enjoy ☺️

One year later

Ellie's pov:

      I wake up in pain, flashes of last night flash into my mind and tears streams down my face like they did then. Dada hurt me again, he said I was a bad girl and I deserve it.

I stare at the bars and wish I had another life, one with a nice daddy. I sniffle, daddy doesn't like cry babies. I huff to myself and lay back down roughly falling back to sleep.

~Ellie's Dream~

There's a woman who looks familiar but I don't think I know her. "There's my sweet angel!" She says before picking me up and spinning me in a circle. I don't even know who she is but she makes me smile. I dream of her every night but this is the first dream she's talked to me. "Do you want to have some num nums with mommy?" The woman coos. mommy? I've never heard that word before but nod remembering num nums. I think there was a time daddy used to feed me nums. I don't remember him but I remember having a high chair, daddy says bad girls can't have nummies.

The woman who called herself mommy Carries me to the high chair I was thinking about that and sits me down opening a jar of food I stare sideways but when the spoon comes near my face I open up excitedly. The sweet taste over takes me and I open my mouth impatiently. "You like the banana, ladybug?" I nod my head and clap my hands "nana nana" I say wanting more.

~ ~ ~

I wake up with drool running down my face, I sit up and try to wipe my wet face but fail. I think about the woman in my sleepies, she was nice. I wish she was my daddy, or maybe it's...mommy?

I hear loud booms and shriek hiding in the corner of my crib. I hear shouting and banging noises for a while until my door opens. I look up to see a man I've never seen before he looks at me surprised and then turns outside the door "hey I've found a possible hostage, kidnapping situation."

When the man turn back he walks to me making me tense up as tears dolls down my face silently. "I'm not gonna hurt you." He says with his hands held in front of him, I don't know if I believe him, daddy told me that too but he always hurt me.

He walks out of the room momentarily and comes back with a key, he unlocks my crib making me shake in fear. He picks me up and cringes before looking down, "you poor thing" the man coos laying me on the changing table and changing my diaper. I cry out in pain when he wipes me, he gasps and puts a fresh diaper on me before carrying me outside.

It took a long time to make it to his car but when we did he buckles me in the back seat of a black car. I look around curiously not knowing where I am. I hear the man from before explain to a lady where he's taking me. When the man gets in the car he tells me he's taking me to someone he knows to fix my ouchies.

Penelope's pov:

I wake up and get started with my usually morning routine before I head to work. I've thrown myself into my work the past year, so I have a full day of sessions with clients.

I'm half way through when I get a call from Candice. "Hey I'm in the middle of work is this important?" I ask her. Ever since she came over a year ago and comforted me during my break down, we've been close friends.

"Cancel your sessions and meet me at the station!" She demands loudly. "Candice I can't jus-" "I'm serious, you'll thank me later" she assures me. I'm utterly confused and can't think of any reason she would need me to come there immediately....unless? No. I've pushed the thought of Ellie to the back of my mind, I have little hope I'll ever see her again.

        It doesn't take long to arrive at the police station, oddly enough I see Candice waiting outside for me. "Hey, what's going on?" I ask getting nervous. She doesn't reply just grabs my arm a bit roughly and pulls me "where are you taking me?" I just get more confused. She unlocks her car and gently pushes me into the passenger seat, "we're going to the hospital." She states and closes the door, my heart starts racing as she gets in the drivers seat. "Why?" I ask shakily. "They found Eleanor."

        We get to the hospital and I run the front desk "Eleanor Rose Wilkins, can I see her?" I basically shout. "Are you a family or guardian?" Damnit. "No but I was caring for her before she got taken." "I'm sorry ma'am." Tears spill down my face as I tune the rest of what she says out and turn away from the desk.

       Candice moves me aside carefully before going up to the front desk, I can't hear what they're saying as I focus on drying my tears. Candice waits impatiently for a few minutes  before a man in scrubs walks out and talks to her.

       The man walks over to me "listen Miss, I'm sorry but we can't bend the rules for everybody. She's in critical care and can't be seen by anyone but family. Have a nice day" he says and turns to walk away. I groan "wait!" He doesn't turn to me, tears spill over again but I don't stop them this time.

"You don't understand! This isn't a normal situation! She's stunted mentally and isn't like normal adults, please listen" I call out, he turns and walks to me. "I'm not her family but her family left her on the streets after abusing her. I cared for her before she got taken, please just let me see her?" I beg again making the doctor sigh.
"Follow me." He says sternly before turning and walking fast but I'm right on his heels.

      He leads me to a room with a number on the door. "She's pretty bruised and she has a few broken ribs. So far that's all we know that's wrong with her. She definitely has trauma from abuse." He says making my heart drop to my stomach. I was so excited to see my baby again, I didn't think of how much she could have changed over the year. "We still need to do a brain scan, she has possible brain trauma, if you notice anything worrisome buzz the nurses station." He informs before walking away.

      I stand in front of the closed door for way longer than necessary just imagining the state she's in. I know I can just open the door and see her, but that's what I'm afraid of; is seeing her at her worst. I finally get up the courage and open her door slowly, I see the hospital bed and almost don't see her she's so small. Smaller than when I took her home, I let out a breath she's really here.

      I move to a chair near her bed and watch her sleep not wanting to wake her but I can't seem to take my eyes off of her. I almost can't believe my own eyes when I see her own staring back at me. "Oh hi buttercup" I coo with a smile.

     My head tilts to the side when she pushes as far away from me as possible. "Woo yew" she says pointing at me, my heart bursts into a million pieces. I want to cry but, I have to hold it together right now. "I'm mama, don't you remember me Ellie?" I ask as soft as possible but she just shakes her head. "Nu huwt" she whispers "I won't hurt you."
I try to touch her hand but it only causes her to cry harder. "I'm so sorry, honey."

She looks up at me wearily "nu huwt?" She whispers again but this time in the form of a question. "I promise no hurt."

     She lets me sit in the chair as long as I don't touch her. Some nurses eventually come to take her for a head scan. When they finally come back the nurses tell me she gave them hell,  "she's a feisty one." I smile sadly.
"Are you okay, Elle?" She looks at me and shakes her head no before she buries herself into the hospital blanket.

I mentally groan wishing I had brought her things but of course I didn't know I was coming here. I text Candice and ask her to come sit with Elle while I go grab a few things. She tells me she is on a case but that she'll send someone she trusts to watch over her.

      By the time the cop arrives Ellie is asleep again, I stand and she takes my seat. "I won't be long" I say before rushing out and driving home as quickly as I can. I just hope she remembers her frog, paci, or her blankie maybe then she'll remember me.

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