26. Better days

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A/N- so I noticed my book has been added to a few
smut readings lists and this is a completely sfw book. Please do not add this to book to nsfw lists. Thank you.

       Ellie has gotten used to daycare and even waves buh bye now and blows kisses. She doesn't interact with any of the kids though and will only sit with her teacher. I'm happy she doesn't hate school and likes her teacher but I wish she would try to play with her classmates.
        She got up excited to play with Miss. May every morning this week including today which is Saturday. "Babygirl it's the weekend, which means you stay with mommy today and tomorrow. She smiles and snuggles into my shoulder, "day wiff mama!!" I chuckle and carry Ellie down to have breakfast once she finishes her milk.
        Ellie eats all her breakfast when I decide to call Candice but she doesn't answer making me remember she had work today. She's been working a lot on this case and I haven't heard from her much.
    Ellie and I spend the day watching tv and movies for a few hours before she falls asleep laying on top of me.
A few hours into Ellie's nap Candice calls me back. "Hey there gorgeous" I greet my girlfriend. She chuckled before replying "I'm sorry I missed your call I've been caught up in this case. But I'm gonna be off in an hour, is there anyway I can take you out last minute? I want to take you on a date but I'll be busy with work the next few weeks" she rambles before sighing. I think for a moment before telling her I should call my parents or sister to see if anyone is free. "Alright love, let me know" "I will, talk later" I hang up and dial my moms number. "Hi angel!" My moms excited tone rings in my ears. "Hi mom, I'm sorry if it's short notice but can you watch Elle tonight?"
"Oh finally I get to babysit the little one?" She asks in a high pitch voice. I pull the phone from my ear some and sigh at the idea of leaving Elle for the first time. "Yes, Candice is taking me out. I'll text you the details?" "Okay love" we say our goodbyes before I hang up the phone. I look down at Ellie and pull her close to me, she tugs at my shirt and I help her latch on while I worry about Ellie thinking I won't come back tonight. After the trauma she endured when she got taken I haven't even though of leaving her with a babysitter, but I know I can't always bring her with me and it's a good learning opportunity for Elle to realize that her mommy will come back. I sigh and switch Ellie to the other boob going to my phone to text Candice about the details. I have 4 hours to get Ellie down for a nap, make some lunch, and get myself ready. I look down to realize Ellie is already asleep, well that's one thing taken care of.
I drop Ellie off in her crib Turing the baby monitor on and heading to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich and a side of fruit.
I decide to eat in front of the tv so I turn on bobs burgers, liking the break from all the baby cartoons I watch with Ellie.
I finish my lunch and think to myself that I should shower while the baby is asleep. I turn the water on and hope in, listening to some music while I clean myself.
I'm half way through my makeup routine when I hear Ellie's soft cries through the monitor. I walk to the nursery and pick my baby up. "Did you have a good nap baby?" My little one nods and snuggles into my shoulder. I lay her on the changing table and change her diaper quickly while she fusses and move her to the rocking chair to nurse.
My baby latches on and suckles fast while I rock her. I look at the time and realize my mom will be here any moment and I need to finish getting ready. Once Ellie unlatches I carry her to my bathroom and set her on a baby play mat I have on the floor before I hand her a few toys from her toy box in my room I have for this reason.
I return to my makeup and put my hair into a braided bun and get dressed in a flowery high low dress and combat boots. Once I finish I hear my doorbell ring, I pick Ellie up "mama had a surprise for you lovebug" "a prise?" "Mhmm that's right baby" I open the door to reveal my mother making Ellie reach out with grabby hands "NONI" my baby screams, and I hand her over.
We sit on the couch and wait for Candice to arrive, after 10 minutes of catching up and bubble guppies we hear a knock on the door. "Prise?" My baby asks adorably. I giggle and pick her up, "let's see who's at the door hm?" My baby bounces excitedly while I open the door "candyyyyyyy" Ellie sing songs reaching for her, once again I hand her over and give Candice a kiss in the check which Ellie covers with her own kiss making us both chuckle. "Reservations are in 30 minutes, you ready?" I nod slightly and take Ellie giving her a kiss on the head. "You're gonna play with Noni for a little bit okay baby" "mama aye oo?" Ellie asks with a tilt of her head. Candice and I share a look before I reply "when mama gets back we will all play before Noni leaves how about that?" "Ma nu go" my baby sniffles and lays her head on my shoulder. I kiss her head and hand her to my mom, she takes her over to her toys and starts to distract her. Candice and I manage to sneak out but before we make it to the car we hear Ellie's sobs come from the house. We share a sad look and get in the car, the ride is silent aside from the soft music coming from the speaker. I can't stop thinking about how sad Ellie must be, I look up when we pull into the parking spot. Candice gets out and opens my door for me taking my hand leading me to the door of the restaurant. I open the door for her and we walk in. Candice handles the reservations and we are lead to our table.
• • •
After we finish dinner Candice takes me for a walk around the block. "I was going to take you to that little ice cream shop, but I can't stop thinking about Ellie and I see on your face you can't either." She pauses for a moment "let's go be with our girl hm?" I smile up at her brightly, she called Ellie our girl. My heart feels like it's about to burst out of my chest when she starts to lean down, I look into her eyes before they close as our lips met.
• • •
We make it to my house and walk into my mom and my baby watching finding Nemo. We share a look and plop onto the couch next to them "mommy! Candy!" Ellie climbs onto my lap and gives me a big kiss before reaching for Candice to do the same.
    We finish the movie before my mom tells us bye and leaves before it gets too late. Candice and I are coloring with Ellie when she gets a call, she stands to go into the kitchen. I frown but go back to the coloring page, when she returns she crouches down next to me. "I need to go to work, I'm sorry I can't stay and color with you beautiful lady's" she tells us before kissing my nose and then Ellie's. "I'll see you soon" she says and stands to grab her bag, waving at Ellie and blowing me a kiss before exiting the house. "Candy goed" my baby pouts pulling herself into my lap and tugging my shirt as she sniffles. "I miss candy too baby" I kiss her head and get her ready to nurse. We sit like that till my baby falls asleep, I carry her to my room and get undressed before crawling into bed with my little one, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep wishing Candice was here with us.

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