17. Giggles and mac

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A/N- hey guys I'm sorry if this chapter isn't the best, I had a hard time writing the past few days. I also want to thank everyone for reading my story! - Xx Rosie

Penelope's pov:

      It's been a few days of just cuddles. Elle has gotten much better about eating her meals, she still can't finish her plate though. She hasn't been finishing her bottles either, only interested in dry nursing. Luckily while I was showering this morning I saw a few beads of milk form around my areola, I'm excited to wake my sleepy girl to try and help it flow.
      I walk to her room and lift the still sleeping baby from her crib and lay her on my lap in the rocking chair, I lift my shirt and guide her parted lips to my nipple.
     She suckles instantly in her sleep but once the milk starts pouring into her mouth her eyes shoot open.
She unlatches with a cute gasp, "MILKIES ACK" she screams before latching on again greedily. I chuckle as she drinks hungrily. There isn't much milk causing her to whine shortly after when she runs out. I switch her to my other side before she sighs calming down.
Not long after, both breasts are drained making Ellie pout with big eyes. "Aw goed?" She coos "oh baby, yes it's all gone" she hangs her head with a pout and cuddles into me. I put her on my hip to adjust my shirt, making her whine and hide her face.
When I lay her on the changing table she starts to cry, I put her paci in her mouth causing her to happily suck while I get her diaper changed. When I put her in her high chair she spits her paci out happily dancing in anticipation for her oatmeal.
The rest of the morning is spent nursing again, causing Ellie to nap for a few hours. She wakes up around one asking for more milkies, I nurse with her before feeding her some Mac and cheese to witch she finishes the whole bowl of. "Good job babygirl, you liked your Mac and cheese huh?" I coo at her making her nod lots "m-acmac" "that's right it's Mac baby!" I chuckle and clean her face much to her dismay.
I take her to the living room and turn doc mcstuffins on for her while I tidy the house some. I'm sweeping the living room when my phone rings, I look at my phone to see it's my mom. "Hey" I answer putting the phone to my ear and hold it up with my shoulder.
"We're on the way over." My mom states making me drop the broom. "Like right now?" I ask a bit panicked. I mean what If she freaks out? Ellie hasn't meet my parents yet. "Yes now." She says simply "I want to meet my grand baby and you can't keep her from us." "Mom I'm not keeping her from you, she's just been through a lot" "yes and I have lots of affection and gifts for her so let me meet her." "Ugh fine but if she freaks out then you need to leave." I say just protecting my baby. My mom chuckles "deal." I shake my head. "How far away are you?" I ask calming down some. "Pulling in now" she says before hanging up.
Ugh I groan to myself, I change Ellie's diaper and her clothes to a cute dress and pink frilly bloomers. I hear my door bell ring and Lars bark, I put Elle on my hip and head to answer the door.
      I open the door for my parents, as soon as Ellie sees new faces she burrows her head into my neck, hiding behind my hair. "Oh how precious!" My mother coos.
            I shut the door behind them and follow them to the kitchen. My parents have a seat while I make a pot of coffee, Ellie is still hiding in my hair on my hip. I bounce the girl until it's ready, I make the coffee to their liking and place them in front of them. They both thank me as I sit down and sip my own coffee when Elle tugs my shirt making me sigh.
"Would you mind if I nurse her" I ask my parents wearily. They didn't like Linus when my sister found him, they thought it was some weird kink. I told them about Ellie and they were skeptical until she went missing, everything changed then.
       They still give Sheila and Linus the cold shoulder though and I don't find it fair. "Oh no problem, dear! The little monster needs her milkies hm?" "MILKIES?!" My baby shouts and tugs my shirt making everyone chuckle. I get her baby blanket from the living room couch and return placing it over her head before helping her latch on. She drinks happily while I catch up with my parents.

— — — — — —

     After Ellie's milkies she didn't fall asleep like I had thought she would she started crawling around the house giggling up a storm. We all move to the living room and I turn on a toddler show for her making her plop her bum to the ground and grab her frog. She rubs his head across her face laying on her back staring up at the tv. I take a picture and my parents coo.
      Ellie is laying on our wood floor, she sticks her feet in the air and then smacks them back down. You would think this would hurt her feet. Not so. She thinks it's hysterical. She does this over and over again, after I video her cuteness I pick her up for a diaper change.
     Once her bum is clean I carry her back down the stairs, I put her on her play mat when my moms phone starts to ring. My baby lifts herself up by using the coffee table and balances herself before she starts bouncing her bum up and down making me giggle and dance with her. Ellie starts clapping for me which is just too stinking cute, my mom finally answers her phone after watching our moment making Elle pout. I pick her up and kiss her cheek a bunch of times "you're mommy's cutiepie" I coo making her giggle.
     "Alright sweetheart, we're gonna head home. I'm so glad you found your angel and you are smiling again." My dad says before kissing my head. I tell them both bye with a hug before closing the door with a sigh. Don't get me wrong I love my parents but I moved an hour away from them for a reason. 
    Ellie starts whining in my arms, I look down at the pout on my baby's face. "Are you a hungry little monster? You want num nums?" I ask her making her nod big "num num nums" she giggles.
      I make chicken tortilla soup and feed Ellie, she only eats two bites before she refuses anymore getting more whiny by the second. "What's wrong babygirl" I ask before I hear a very loud toot followed by the sounds of the baby filling her diaper. "Oh my poor baby's tummy is sicky huh?" I coo making her cry harder.
     I bounce her as she finishes and carry her to her nursery laying her on the changing table. I clean her very messy diaper and get her into a clean one as well as a purple onesie. I get myself into comfy clothes and crawl into my bed with Ellie. Once in bed Ellie is crawling into my lap, I didn't put a shirt on so she latched on by herself. I rub her hair, "did you enjoy meeting your nonna and poppy?" I ask her making her unlach and mumble "noni an opopy" before latching back on hungrily making me smile. Such a talkative baby today, her suckles start to slow as she falls asleep. I replace my boob with her paci and put my shirt on before turning the lamp off and sliding down, pulling her closer to my body as I fall asleep myself.

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