Chapter 1

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Cautiously looking behind me, I slowly open the front door and step in to the darkness. Yes everyone’s asleep¸ I think to myself happily. Still remaining as quiet as possible, I make my way up the stairs, praying to God that I don’t trip. As I reach the fourth step, all the lights flick on

“Fuck” I curse under my breath

“Dakota Wilkinson! Where have you been?” my crazy mother demands from the top of the staircase. She stands still in her place with her hands on her hips, staring me down like a tiger to its prey. As I continue my way up the steps I push my hair across my cheek, hoping to hide the small tattoo under my eye. She rolls her eyes and scoffs as she walks back to her room. I walk into my room and throw my bag into the corner of my sapphire blue room. I lazily pull out the small chair and sit on it, facing the vanity in front of me. My hand raises to pull my hair back as I look at my new tattoo. The back of my ear stings, sending a sharp pain down my spine. As I turn my body to the left, I pull my right ear forwards so that I can see the trail of stars behind my ear. That means that I now have 6 tattoos. The 6 tattoos that I have vary in style and meaning on my back I have a dandelion that trails into birds going up my neck, a star trail behind my ear, an infinity sign on my left wrist, on my right rib I have tweedle dee and my best friend Alli has tweedle dum, on my right hip I have a small Dumbo and “The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up”, and 11/12/1995 on my wrist, as does Sammy. As I walk over to my walk in wardrobe, I mindlessly play with my nose ring. Using the small amount of energy I have left, I change into one of Sammy’s t-shirts and hop into bed, pulling the covers tight under my chin.

a/n Okay so yea this sucks but peace Mahogany

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