Chapter 24

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I know it has been ages. This chapter will contain some interesting parts ;)

Just confirming that I did not write the smut and that it was sent to me by a reader, so calm down and grab your bible :*

"Bye Cayden" I kiss his forehead lightly and pass him to mum as I give a sleeping Kaiya a hug as well before turning to face my Fiance "I guess we should go" He nods and takes my hand in his as we walk to the baggage drop and do what is needed so that we can leave our bags for the flight

"Hey Lil Mamma, Why are you crying?" He asks wiping my stray tears away

"I've never been away from my kids for more than a couple of days and I'm gonna miss 'em" I tell him cuddling into his side as I sulk and he chuckles, the bastard

"They will be fine, I promise. Do you really think your mum will let anything happen" I chuckle at his statement and nod in agreement "We can still call them, babe. So don't stress" I nod and kiss his soft lips passionately

"So where to then?" I ask stepping back and looking at the large airport

"Hmmmm.... How about, I don't know, maybe Victoria's Secret?"

"You little shit" I scold slapping his arm playfully, but accepting the idea and pulling him into the store, time to be a little bit of a tease, yay! Payback's a bitch! Especially for horny fiances! As we step through the entrance, his eyes light up like a child in the candy store and he looks around the store wide eyed. Still holding his hand, I walk to the back of the store where they keep the lingerie.

"So what were you thinking Mr. Maloley?" I ask softly as I turn to face him, the recognizable dark lust in his usually bright eyes.

"Whatever you want baby" He whispers huskily in my ear

"Hmmmm... What colour?" I ask biting the tips of my acrylic nails

"White! Definitely white" He tells me wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him, as he looks at all of the lingerie sets around the store. Quickly spotting the white sets I walk towards them with Nate eagerly behind me and pick out a sparkling white bra with a sheer white lace dress, with a matching lace g-string and knee high lace socks. After Nate had finally stopped drooling and I was able to finally pick his jaw up off of the ground, we paid and I put the bag into my carry on suitcase and we walked towards our gate

"You realise we need to be in the international terminal" I tell him as he struggles to look for our gate "This way" I take his free hand in mine and walk to the terminal that we need to go through before we can actually get to our gate. Minutes later, we have passed all of the scans and the check in and are finally at the gate. Nate finds a free bench and pulls me towards it, pulling me onto his lap as he sits down

"You excited baby?" He asks kissing my neck softly

"Of course. It's been so long since it was just the two of us. No kids, no boys" he chuckles lightly and the vibrations run against my neck, sending chills down my spine. The flight gets called and I stand up to go and walk into the line that has been formed, when I feel two hands around my waist picking me up.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I squeal as he tickles me, his laugh instantly recognizable. He does as he is told, for once, and puts me back down, as the old couples around us 'aww' and smile. I slap his chest repeatedly and push him away, as I go and join the line, giving him the silent treatment.

After enduring the surprisingly quiet flight, the plane lands and everyone stands up, eager to stretch and get off the plane. An infinity later, it is our turn to get our stuff and get off the plane and so much restraint is used to not just run straight through the airport, as the feeling of movement in my legs is AMAZING! After passing all of the boring parts of the airport and going through security and collecting our luggage, Nate leads me outside to where a line of Taxi's and mini-busses are waiting, eager for a passenger. Unaware of my surroundings or where the hell I am actually going I follow Nate's lead and smile when I see the stickers on the van that Nate has lead us to

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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