Chapter 4

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Out of habit I wake up at the usual 7am and push my hair out of my face. I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower, washing my hair and body. I walk into my wardrobe and slide on Nate/Sammy's sweatshirt and a pair of leggings. As my stomach rumbles, I make my way into the kitchen and grab a breakfast bar and hop down on the couch, turning the TV on. After scrolling through the various options of programs currently running, I switch it onto Tattoo Rescue, and watch as they transform the crappy tattoo's into art.

The boys trudge down the stairs an hour later, still half asleep. They make their way to the kitchen, slightly resembling something that would be found on The walking dead. Moments later they each submerge from the kitchen each with something to eat, and plonk down on the couch.

"Hey Deci, we're gonna go to the Jacks later, wanna come?" my brother asks, shoving more cereal into his mouth. I nod and continue watching the cover up of the next tattoo "Why are you so interested in tattoos?" he asks, taking in the TV show

"Maybe because I have six" I mock making his eyes widen

"When did you get six?! I thought you only had three" shit, hadn't told him that yet

"You have tattoos?" Nate asks surprised. I nod and smile

"Well I better go get ready" I say, using the only excuse to get out of this conversation.

Tossing through each item of my wardrobe, I finally decide on a maroon skater skirt and a white cardigan slightly tucked in. I grab my favourite pair of combat boots and slip them on my feet as I walk over to my vanity. Watching the time, I quickly apply foundation, cat eyed eyeliner and some lip balm. When the heating irons light flashes I pick it up, and put my hair in soft beach waves. After throwing my phone and purse into my bag I grab it off the hook and place my aviators on my head. 17 minutes, yes!

We get in the car and drive over to the Jacks and talk about anything random, but I mostly tune out and scroll through my phone. We pull up to a large family looking house and we all run up to the door. Almost the second after I knock on the front door a girl around my age with dirty blonde hair opens the door, as I take in her features I notice the similarities between her and Jack Johnson and realise that this is his little sister

"Come in" she says happily as she steps to the side letting us in. As I look over her, I notice that she has a small baby bump and I smile at her, looking from her eyes to her belly and she smiles back at me, placing a hand on her belly protectively. We walk through the large house and find the Jacks in the basement, sharing a joint. We all join the Jacks making a small circle, and pass the joint around, each of us taking a hit.

"Truth or dare?" I ask. The boys all nod and I see Nate's jaw clench

"Johnson you first" my brother calls. Jack nods as he presses the joint to his lips and thinks

"Who's the hottest?" Jack asks me. I think about it for a while "And why?" he finishes, that makes it easier

"Nate" I look over at him and wink as he smirks at me "He has tats" I explain as I take a hit from the joint. We go around the circle continuing with the game as each turn gets slightly more idiotic. Somehow I end up sitting in Jack Gilinsky's lap and am leaning back against his chest, his face in my neck. Each time that I sneak a glance at Nate he seems to be glaring at Jack with a tightly clenched jaw. Soft lips move along my neck and although my brain tells me not to, I move my head to allow the soft lips better access. His hand finds its way around my stomach and softly rubs my boob. As my eyes softly flicker open I see Nate stand up, my vision blurred as my eyes flutter shut again. A new pair of hands go under my arms and pull me up and onto someone's strong chest. I groan at the loss of connection from the lips on my neck and cross my arms over my chest and glare at a mad Nate

"That was mean" I tell him childishly pouting

"I don't like seeing you with him" he grunts, his jaw clenching even more

"Was... someone... jealous" I ask between soft kisses on his sharp jawline. I place my hands on his shoulders and kiss along his neck, shoulders and jaw.

"Kota stop" he grunts, as he holds back a moan

"Is that what you want?" I ask running my hands through his soft hair and pulling it slightly. His mouth opens as I pull his head back and I quickly attach my lips to his as I slip my tongue in his mouth. I kiss him softly and teasingly as I run my hands through his hair. He kisses back, unleashing all his anger into the kiss making me want more. His hands travel to my ass and pull me closer to him. The soft teasing kiss turns heated and we pull away and rest our foreheads against each other.

"You kissed me" he states. I simply nod and cuddle into his chest, suddenly tired

"Sleepy" I mumble into his warm chest. I feel the vibration of his chest as he laughs and before I know it, sleep has taken over my body.

A/n If only this was true Mahogany

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