Chapter 18

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The doorbell rings and Cayden starts his police car alarm noises again, making me laugh. Cayden and I 'run' to the door and I laugh when he goes to reach for the door handle. I unlock the door for him and swing the door open revealing a very pink Skylynn and a tired Nash


"Skylynn" Cayden and I both yell as we hug them. We all laugh and go inside and into the living room. I'm not too sure where Nate is, I think he is around the house but oh well.

"Whatcha been up to?" Nash asks as the kids run into the playroom

"Not much really. Pregnant, Cayden, Sleeping and Singing. Pretty much it" he nods and smiles, What's the idiot done now

"Oh, before I forget, Skylynn wants to go horse riding with you and Cayden" I laugh and agree pushing the details out of my mind, to be focused on at a later date. "Let's watch divergent" Nash suggest, I agree and he slots the DVD into the player. He comes to sit on the couch bringing all of the remotes with him as he goes to sit next to me and I automatically cuddle into his side, bringing my legs up to my chest as best I can. As the movie starts I quote it word for word, ignoring Nash's laughter at how much I love this trilogy. Throughout each scene I quote it perfectly and ignore Nash's pleads for me to shut up, coz bitch no fourtris for life. I lean my head against his chest as I am still too small to actually reach his shoulder even though we are both sitting down. My body becomes sleepy as do I and I lean even further into Nash, closing my eyes slightly

"Hey Kota" I hear Nate call. I muffle some sort of response too tired to even think properly

"Tired?" Nash whispers and I try my best to nod into his chest. He wraps his long thin arms around my back and legs and lifts me up, taking me to my room and in the distance I can hear Nate scoff.

Today Nate and I had decided to go and see his family, because we were constantly around mine and hadn't seen his in what felt like forever. Nate dropped Cayden off to the boys for the week as I finished checking both me and Nate's suitcases. After deciding that we both had everything that we would need for the week I got into the shower and stood under the relaxing warm water

"Kota?!" I hear Nate shout from downstairs

"SHOWER!" I call back, as I pour the shampoo into my hand and rub it through all of my hair. I tilt my head back and wash all of the product out as I hear the hinges of the door open "You coming in?" I ask moving onto the conditioner. He walks in behind me and hugs me, my back to his chest as I go to wash it out "Give me a second" I say laughing as I turn to face him and wash all of the stuff out of my hair. "What?" I ask as he smirks at me, with the damn dimples making my ovaries pop, that can't be good when you're pregnant hey

"Just watching my girlfriend, that's all" He answers smiling "Come 'ere" He holds his arms out, understanding my love for cuddles and as a natural instinct I sink into his arms, my head against his chest. I look back up at him and kiss his lips softly, leaning my head against his shoulder

"Come on have your shower, we have an hour before we have to be at the airport" I tell him. He groans and picks up his shampoo bottle and hands it to me pouting. I laugh lightly and pour it onto my hands, knowing he won't take no for an answer, and massage into his head as he rests his head on my collar bone, leaning into me in what you would think would be a weird position, in which it definitely was, but it was comfortable. "Wash it out" I tell him pushing him directly under the water as he laughs and pulls me with him. We both finish washing ourselves and get out of the shower to dry off. I walk into the walk in wardrobe and pick out my Minnie Mouse jumper, that Nate got me from Disneyland when we went when we were younger. I slip on my underwear and put on a black tank top and slide the hoodie on over and put on my black leggings with my converses. I walk out of the wardrobe and laugh as I see Nate wearing the same thing, him being in his Mickey Mouse hoodie and a pair of black sweats. He laughs as he walks towards me and wraps his arms around my waist, kissing me passionately (AAAAAY <3)

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