Chapter 23

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In the next few weeks, the clouds and rain clears up but the weather remains cold, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I roll over and snuggle into Nate's chest as he and the kids sleep around me. We may have decided to have a small movie night last night in the living room with the kids on one mattress and me and Nate on the other. Careful not to disturb him, I gently trace his new lion tattoo with my fake nails and smile at the detail Romeo put into the new tattoo. As I look at the lion and the rose on top of it I contemplate getting another tattoo, as I already have a tattoo for Cayden but none for Nakaiya yet. As I roll over to go and get up Nate quickly wraps his arms around my stomach, pulling me back to his chest as I let out a little scream

"Let go anaconda" I demand slapping at his arm

"But you got buns hun" He sings making me laugh and roll over in his arms. "Morning Lil Mamma" we kiss lightly before he lets me go and I run up to our room to get ready before the kids wake up. Hurrying slightly as I dress, I messily throw on a pair of black leggings and an old oversized knit jumper and move on to my hair and makeup. For my makeup I apply some foundation, eyeliner and mascara and for my hair I place a maroon beanie over my straight brown hair. As I slide my ballet shoes on I walk down the stairs and into the living room to see Cayden and Nakaiya cuddled into Nate's chest.

"Ma!" Kaiya shouts happily stretching her arms out towards me. This being all that she can say

"Good morning baby girl" I kiss her forehead and scoop her into my arms and give her a cuddle as I walk towards the kitchen to give her, her bottle. I heat her bottle in the microwave as I sway her on my hip and I laugh when I see Cayden run into the kitchen with only his nappy and a cheeky grin on.

"What are you doing Cay?" I ask him smiling as the microwave beeps and I pull out the bottle.

"Pa's upstairs" He chuckles cheekily smiling as he hugs my leg as I feed Kaiya and prepare the batter for Cayden and Nate's pancakes. Kaiya finishes her bottle and sleepily lays in my arms as I flip the pancakes in the pan as Cayden waits anxiously for his food.

"NATE CAN YOU COME HERE!" I call out up the stairs as I struggle with the kids and soon breathe a sigh of relief as I hear his footsteps travel throughout the small house. He comes into the kitchen and immediately places Cayden in his high-chair as he places the small plate on the tray and Cayden eagerly begins to eat his breakfast. Nate kisses my forehead lightly as I turn off the hot plates and pass him his plate of pancakes

"Thanks Lil Mamma. Where's yours babe?" He asks noticing my lack of food

"Not hungry" He looks at me with an unknown emotion but I brush it off and kiss his cheek before going to put Kaiya down for another nap as she has fallen asleep in my arms already for what was probably the fourth time in the past 15 minutes. "Can you watch the kids today? Mum's in town I think. But there's just something I have to do and I don't know how long it will take"

"Um.. Yea sure I guess" He answers confused. I sling my handbag over my shoulder and give Nate a slow soft kiss, before grabbing my keys and phone and jumping in my car as I call Romeo.

After driving around for almost half an hour I finally get to Romeo's apartment. I knock on his door and wait patiently for him to answer. He answers the door happily and gives me a hug, letting me into his apartment. We walk towards the small station he has set up and he draws what I explained to him on the phone on the way over here

"So where did you want it?" He asks, preparing for the size of the sketch

"Where were you thinking?" I ask him, open to any suggestion, not really caring where it is. He pauses in thought for a minute

"Wrist" He replies tapping my wrist "Just above your birthday" I nod agreeing, and he draws up the sketch to the right size. "Well then let me draw up the outline and we can get started" I nod and lean back in the chair as I scroll through my phone aimlessly "Alright let's do it" and so it begins

Nothing to a King without a Queen (Nate Maloley FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now