Chapter 6

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The week flies back in minutes and I soon find myself in the small bathroom changing into my airport outfit. I pull up my black leggings and quickly pull my maroon v-neck over my head before slipping my arms through the denim flannel. Deciding that I like changes, I straighten my blue hair and slip a navy beanie on my head. We walk out the room and I return the key to the kind old lady, who seems to be working every day. She gives me a friendly smile as I say goodbye and I head to the car. Rickey taps on the dashboard as I get in the car, making a drum beat. He turns the radio on and we sing along to each song that plays, on the way to the airport. I park my car and we take our suitcases to where they were needed and we ran throughout the airport until they called our flight number. I handed my ticket to the air hostess and she pointed me to our seats. Rickey got the window seat and I sat in the middle of the row. As I plug my earphones in and begin to play some of my brothers music I notice someone sit down next to me, but pay no attention. As Nate's new song began to play, I pick up my phone and skip the song, leaving my phone in my lap

"Don't you like his music?" the person from next to me asks. I pull my earphones out and turn my attention to the new person

"Um... no not really. I mean I know the guy but yea" he looks at me surprised

"You know Nate Maloley?" he asks clearly shocked

"Ye, well, I mean he is my brothers best friend so..."

"Wait who's your brother?" he interrupts

"Sammy Wilkinson..." I reply questioning myself slightly

"He's a good mate of mine. Been on tour a couple times" now it's my turn to be surprised

"What's your name?" I ask curiously

"Nash Grier. You?" I know that name

"Dakota Wilkinson" I reply smiling and sticking my hand out for him to shake. He smiles at the gesture and shakes my hand. The duration of the flight we spend talking together and watching movies. As the electronic map on the back of the chair shows that we are less than half an hour away from landing Nash turns to face me

"So what are you doing in LA?" he asks

"Moving here" I smile and he returns the gesture

"So can I have your number, so we can hang out sometime maybe?" he asks blushing slightly

"Of course" he passes me his phone and I make a new contact Dakota the best 😘. I hand the phone back to him and he smiles at the name I've left and I hand him my phone as he puts his phone number in.

Seeing as though Rickey was still asleep, I had to poke his arm repeatedly and still nothing. Deciding that I was down to my last resource, I pull out my phone and play One Direction's, Better than words and skip it to 1:31 seconds. As soon as the lyrics leave Harry's mouth Rickey's eyes immediately snap open and he sings along with the words.

"Come on fatty we gotta go" I manage to say through the laughs

"I'm not fat it's just a skinny bitch can't store my awesomeness" he explains running his hands up and down his thin sides in a girly manner

Sharing stupid and confusing jokes that probably don't make sense we get off the plane. Deciding that we should sing 'We're off to see the wizard of Oz', we begin to skip towards the luggage terminal, arm in arm. We trudge our way to the taxi zone and wait there with our suitcases, until the next cab pulls up to us, asking us for our location. As Rickey talks about our 'new adventures and opportunities' I lean back against the cold glass and rest my eyes. The cab eventually pulls up to a quite large two story house. It looked a lot smaller on the website, but at least it was cheap. I wonder who died here then, hm. I thank the driver and pull the keys out of my purse before slotting the right one into the door and twisting it to the left. As we step into the large house I am immediately excited, it's all white, meaning one thing, COLOUR! As we run around the house I quickly dibs the room I want and dump all my stuff there. Desperate for a way to find colour and paint, I run into the garage and breathe a sigh of relief when I see my car parked neatly.

As I step into the paint store I feel a wave of happiness flow through my body as I see all of the colours spread throughout the room. I buy multiple tubs of various coloured paints and lug them all into the back of my jeep. Happily knowing the only route, I drive back to my apartment/house and pull all of the paint out and bring it into the house.

"Girl what are you doing?" Rickey asks as I bring in the never ending supply of paint

"Still got your water gun?" I ask him, he nods cautiously "Go get 'em boy" he laughs happily and runs up to his room, coming down moments later with around seven guns.

A/n Let me know if you find any errors, cheers. Mahogany

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