Chapter 8

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Rickey and I settle into our new lives and soon come to love it. I think the main interest is because it is different, no one knew us so it was a fresh start. Rickey has been asked to go on tour for the next 11 months and I was so happy for him, I mean I would miss the crazy bitch but it was good for him. Three months after he left I started to get really sick. I would wake up and continuously vomit throughout the day, nothing soothing my sore stomach. And the worst part was that I didn’t know what was wrong. I finally gave up on the stupid home remedies that did shit all and called the doctor booking an appointment for that afternoon. Deciding that I should probably look presentable I throw on a pair of black Brooklyn sweat pants and a long sleeve grey shirt. Giving up on my mess of blue hair I throw on a black beanie and slip my feet into some sneakers. As I pull out of my drive way a new song starts to play and I can instantly recognize the voice. I change the station and instead listen to some country bumpkin music, which has me laughing as I drive to the hospital.

The hard plastic chair digs in to me in all the wrong places making me move around until I can find a comfortable position and when I do the chubby nurse calls my name, leading me into a small room with diagrams of the body parts hung up around the room. I fiddle anxiously with my hands and think of the possibilities that could be resulting in my being sick. A friendly looking female doctor comes in with a clip board and sits in the chair opposite me

“So what’s wrong sweetie?” she asks with a soft and gentle voice

“Um… these last three months I have been getting really bad dizzy spells and been throwing up almost constantly and sore back pain and just a lot of unusual things that don’t usually happen to me” I explain hoping that she can understand what I am saying. She nods and writes down notes on her clip board

“Okay, so how long have you been getting these symptoms?” she asks looking me in my eyes

“Around three months a bit over” I answer trying to remember the exact date

“And when were you last sexually active?” she asks checking the clip board again

“I don’t know” she looks at me in confusion “It wasn’t recent I guess” I stammer out, hoping she doesn’t get the wrong impression “It has been a while I guess” she nods

“We’re going to run some tests and then we should find out what’s wrong” I nod and smile gratefully up at her. I give her what she needs for the test and lay in the chair anxiously. After what feels like years she walks back into the small room with the same clip board in which she checks over before sitting across from me.

“So we got all your tests back and there is nothing to worry about you are completely healthy. Each test that we ran came back with the same answer” I look at her confused “It turns out that the reason behind your sickness is because you are a little over five months pregnant”

“What do you mean? I can’t be pregnant” I am so confused and there is everything possible running through my mind and the soft drop of a tear falling onto my hand snaps me back to reality

“If you wish to discontinue the pregn-”

“NO!” she looks startled “I would never do that” I say quietly. She nods and holds my hand softly looking at me with pity

“Do you want to see your baby?” she asks softly. I nod and she has a nurse bring in the small screen and Doppler. She pours a large amount of gel onto my stomach and I notice that it has gotten a bit larger than usual. A black and white image pops up on the screen and she smiles happily. She points to certain parts and tells me what body part it is. “Did you want to know the gender?” she asks kindly. I nod. She moves the Doppler around my stomach and looks closely at the screen

“So it appears to be that you are having a baby boy, congratulations” she says smiling happily as she prints off pictures of my baby. She wipes off the gel as the photos develop, and places them into a small envelope and hands them to me. I walk out of the hospital in complete confusion and worry. Who was the dad? NATE! Could it be? He was the last person I had sex with, well at least I think we had sex, well clearly I’m pregnant. This situation was so strange, and confusing, I don’t know what to do.

A/n She's pregnant whaaaaaaaaaat. anyways luv ya Mahogany

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