Chapter 20

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This hurts to watch tbh 😍😍


Seeing as though I had yet another natural birth I was allowed to leave the day after. Nate had spent the night with me and would constantly check on Kaiya. As Nate walks into my room, I wrap the sling around my shoulder and carefully place Kaiya in, so that I don't have to hold her. Nate grabs Kaiya's bag and takes my hand kissing my forehead as we walk out of the hospital. As Nate drives back to our house I watch Kaiya carefully and study her perfectly blue eyes as she stays awake the whole car ride. Nate parks the car in the driveway and takes Kaiya from her car seat as I walk around to unlock the front door to our house. Nate carefully walks inside the door and passes Kaiya to me as he goes to look for Cayden. He comes back seconds later with Cay in his arms and my mum following behind the two. Cayden smiles widely as he looks at his little sister and softly pats her forehead making mum and Nate laugh. Kaiya lets out a small yawn and I slowly walk up to her room as my mum presses a soft kiss to my forehead. As soon as I step foot in the pink room I smile at how much of a princess my daughter will be as I take in the sight of the design that my mum and I created for her room, she's going to be spoilt rotten. I carefully place her in her pale pink crib and smile at my sleepy girl. As I leave her room I pick up the baby monitor and carry it downstairs.

"Blue, are you going to be alright?" my mum asks standing up from the couch and giving me a warm hug

"Yea, I'm going to be fine Mumma Wilk" she smiles and kisses my forehead and says goodbye to Nate, before leaving.

"Are you excited Cay?" I ask as I join him and Nate on the couch

"Baby girl" Cayden smiles as he claps his hands together

"Ye baby" I kiss his forehead and lean back on the couch. Nate places his arm over my shoulder and softly pulls me into his side, kissing my forehead lightly. Cayden plays with his toy trucks on the carpet as Nate and I cuddle on the couch.

"The boys tour is over and they are just starting to head back now" Nate tells me as I sleepily lean into his chest. "They want to meet Kaiya" his fingers combing through my hair as he laughs lightly "You're tired aren't you babe?" he asks and I try to form some sort of a response such as "Lil bit" but it comes out more so as "Lebanese" causing Nate to laugh even more. Nate scoops me up in his strong arms and carries me upstairs, placing me softly on my bed and kissing my lips lightly as he pulls the sheets up, my eyes immediately closing and sending me into a dreamless sleep.

A loud cry wakes me up and I walk towards Nakaiya's room to find Nate pacing nervously

"She won't stop crying" he tells me as he looks anxiously from me to Kaiya

"Don't worry, she's probably just hungry" I gently scoop Kaiya into my eyes and her blue eyes look with my brown ones, her cries softer now. I sit in the plush pink armchair and put my feet up on the poof as I pull my top down, Kaiya immediately attaching herself. She drinks hungrily, her eyes fluttering open and closed repeatedly. Moments later she finishes feeding and I lean her up on my shoulder and rub small circles on her back, clearing any bubbles.

"Do you want to hold her?" I ask Nate as he stands there confused. He nods and walks over to me, carefully holding her in his strong arms. As I watch Nate hold Kaiya carefully I lean back in the soft chair and smile happily at the perfect image. "Here, Let me change her" Nate carefully slides her into my arms and I walk over to her change table, placing her on the pink mattress lightly as I reach for a nappy from the top drawer. Nate walks out of the room and I laugh lightly as I change her nappy. Nate takes her downstairs and I follow behind to be greeted by all the guys

"Hey guys" I greet wearily

"Hey!" They all chorus.

"Is this my little niece?" Sammy asks softly as he walks towards Nate

"No, it's a random baby from the hospital" He rolls his eyes at me and I pull a face back

"I'm proud of you" He whispers into my ear as he gives me a side hug. The guys all say hello to her and she takes a particular liking to Jack J.

"Wanna hold her?" I offer Jack. He nods and sits down on the couch, like a child would. I place her lightly in his arms and he leans back softly as she looks into his blue eyes with her own.

"Well we found our babysitter" Nate claims, slinging his arm over my shoulders as he kisses my forehead softly. I scoop Cayden up into my arms as he begins to run around the living room and pepper his face with kisses

"You jelly bro?" Sammy teases Nate

"Man you don't even know" Nate replies

"You two, be quiet" I demand. They both laugh and fist bump each other. So that's how it's gonna be, alright. I put Cayden down and go and sit by Jack and Kaiya. I rest my head on his shoulder as he looks at Kaiya and smile as she becomes sleepier. "I'm going to take her up to her room" Johnson kisses her forehead and slips her gently into my arms as I stand up. As I walk past Nate he goes to kiss my forehead and I duck, only just missing as all of the guys erupt in 'Ooohs' making me laugh, this is going to be fun.

I hear Nate say goodbye to all the guys and here him run the bath for Cayden as I soothe Kaiya back to sleep for the fourth time. As her cries soften and her eyelids finally shut, I place her gently in her crib and walk out of the room, taking a baby monitor on the way. On my way towards the stairs, I hear Nate's soft voice telling Cayden a fairytale as he lies in his bed, most likely with his pacifier and teddy. I smile at the sight and continue on my way downstairs and into the kitchen. As the frozen pizza cooks in the oven, I push myself up onto the counter and scroll through my phone, looking at some of the Nate Maloley Fanfictions on wattpad. The timer on the oven beeps and I pull on the floral patterned gloves and pull the pizza out of the oven, placing it on a plate and sitting down on the couch as I flick through the channels, landing on a random episode of Friends. A soft pad of feet come down the stairs, but I draw all my attention to the TV show. Nate jumps over the couch and wraps his arm over my shoulder and I stand up and walk into the kitchen, trying not to laugh at how fun this is. As I put my plate in the dishwasher large hands grab onto my waist and pull me back. I lean up as Nate whispers in my ear "You think this is funny?" he asks, his hands roaming wildly

"I don't know what you're talking about" I answer innocently as I hear the rain softly fall from outside

"You can't ignore me" he answers as he turns me, my chest crashing against his

"But I can" I answer sassily. He lets out a low growl before his lips swoop down capturing mine as a burst of thunder hits. I immediately push myself of Nate and run upstairs to Cayden's room with Nate close on my tail. Almost the second I reach Cayden his cries fill the house and I quickly open his door turning the light on. Nate rushes towards him and picks him up, rubbing his back soothingly as his cries continue.

"It's alright baby" I coo as I walk towards Cayden and extend my arms

"I got him" Nate tells me

"Watch this, it's easier" I pick up Cayden out of Nate's arms and walk back to Nate and I's bedroom, turning on the TV and switching it to Alice in Wonderland. "Sit on the bed" I instruct Nate. He does as he is told and I carefully slide Cayden into his arms, before quickly hurrying downstairs and heating up a bottle. I count down each second as it heats and run back upstairs with the bottle in my hand and sit down next to Nate.

"Come here baby" Cayden crawls into my arms sniffling and holds his bottle as he leans into my chest, his cries instantly fading. Nate smiles and wraps his arm around me and Cayden

"Don't worry Cay; I won't let anyone hurt you" Cayden looks up at him worried


"I won't let anyone hurt mummy either" Nate soothes

"Kai?" Cayden tries again, slightly calming down

"Not even Kai, no one's hurting my babies" Nate kisses Cayden's forehead as he settles and watches the movie, sucking on his bottle.

A/N goals <3 Mahogany x

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