Chapter 10

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As Cayden cuddles into my chest, I realise that my baby is almost two months old. He looks so much like his dad, which makes me sad a lot of the time, because I don't know if he will ever meet him. I push the thought aside as I comb my fingers through his curly brown hair, another feature reminding me of Nate. I softly run my fingers over his bare back drawing small patterns. Hoping not to wake him I move my hand away and he starts to wriggle his back, I move my hand back onto his back and he stops. The simple action makes me laugh and smile at the cuteness. Deciding that I can't let the fear of Nate finding me get the better of me, I finally change back to normal, almost. I recreate all of my social media accounts and post pictures of me and Cayden. A notification makes my phone ring and I reach down to grab it and laugh as Cayden wriggles around, wanting the touch of my hand on his back.

@skatemaloley wants to follow you

Well fuck me. I hit the accept button and kind of just decided not to let it bother me. I mean he probably wouldn't even realise right? Maybe I shouldn't have made my accounts using @Kotawilk, it was the nickname he gave me I guess, he was the only one to ever call me Kota, everyone else just called me Deci, or Dakota. The second that I accepted Nate's request, my feed was flooded with requests. Taking the easy way out, I changed my profile to public and I soon had over 30k following me. My phone shook as I got a text and as I saw my mums contact I let out a breath of relief, I didn't know I was holding (Convo on the side or on top idk :P)

My daily routine soon came to bore me as I did the same thing every damned day. Woke up, fed Cayden, change Cayden, put Cayden to sleep, repeat. As I glanced out at the early morning weather, I smiled at how nice it looked. As Cayden slept in his bassinet at the end of my bed I quickly got changed into a white lace off the shoulder top and a pair of high waisted shorts. I slipped my feet into a pair of white converses and put a flower halo in my curly blue hair. Trying to look semi decent for no reason in particular I apply a thin layer of foundation and a small line of navy blue eyeliner to my eyes, with a pink lipstick. After applying a couple sprays of Victoria's Secret Mango temptation, I change Cayden into a blue and white striped onesie and walk him downstairs to where his pram lay in the study. Once I make sure that he will be warm enough under his blankets I grab my purse and Cayden's diaper bag and throw them into the bottom of the stroller. The second I step out of the door I pull my purse out and wrap it around my shoulder, somehow making me feel safer. I walk down to the park that's only a couple of streets away and sit down on one of the park benches, enjoying the local civilisation that I have missed. After a couple of minutes I feel a pair of eyes on me and I instantly turn towards the anonymous eyes. Immediately scared, I stand up and hold onto Cayden's pram tightly as I begin to walk home at a rapid pace. The feeling of eyes on me doesn't cease and I keep glancing over my shoulder, and as I do I see a figure that looks exactly like Nate, large tall build, brown curly hair, but the features of the face are unrecognizable, due to the distance between us. Only a street away from my house I now run to get away from this feeling and sprint to my house still pushing the pram. As I reach my house, a white envelope sticking out of my letterbox pulls my attention and I pull it out and open the door, pushing the pram through as I double lock the door behind me. Just in case. Cayden is still asleep so I leave him where he is in his pram and open the letter.

Dear Dakota Wilkinson,

We have noticed and been watching your vine and YouTube account regularly and we are highly impressed with your singing talents. Your small skits on Vine are also quite comedic and attract lots of attention from fans. We are unsure if you knew, but you currently have an average fan count of 250 000. As this is quite unordinary and may stun you, we would like you to come on tour with us. We perform in many locations and it involves quite a lot of travelling. We have also noticed due to your Instagram account that you have a young son and we doubt that you would want to separate from him, therefore we are allowing you to bring him with you, and when you go on stage one of the workers will thoroughly care for him. Please consider this wonderful opportunity and get back to us when you can. The next event will be at the start of next year as many of the other performers are currently working on other things elsewhere.

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