Chapter 2: Medical Check

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A/N: Daily update until I have Azur Empyrea #2

Narrator POV

Y/N was now officialy considered the Medic of St.Freya

He was in charge of everything when it comes to healing and those stuffs

But now, he have to face the greatest problem he ever faced..........

Paper works

Y/N: I'm a Medic, yet, I have to do fucking paper works........ I hate my life

???: Excuse me for the intrusion

Someone opened the door of the office, and Y/N saw the best student there, Fu Hua

Someone opened the door of the office, and Y/N saw the best student there, Fu Hua

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Y/N: Oh, Fu Hua, isn't it? What can I do for you?

Fu Hua: I wanted to have a check-up to see if my body doesn't have any hidden injuries before the exam coming in a month

Y/N: Sure, you mostly use your legs and arms, isn't it? Take a seat, I will check

Fu Hua: Understood

Y/N: No need to be this serious, here, you can have a rest

Fu Hua: Ah I see, sorry for my rude manners

Y/N grabbed her arm, and feel that they were........

Y/N: Holy shit

Fu Hua: Is there something wrong?

Y/N: Your fucking built up? What the fuck? How? Compared to you, I have noodle arms

He showed his muscles, and nothing was seen

Y/N: See?

Fu Hua: W-Well, a lot of training was needed for me to become this strong

Y/N: And that's why your arm is almost reaching a point of tearing. Mostly your right arm, you use it to finish the fight everytime, isn't it?

Fu Hua: Yes, I am surprise to see you know this with just a look

Y/N: I can feel it by touching the arm. Everytime I lay my fingers on it, it stiffen, meaning that you've been forcing more than usual recently, maybe because of a lot of mission 

Fu Hua: Wow..... I never thought you would have everything right..........

Y/N: Yis. Now the legs

He grabbed one of her legs, and on the corner of his eyes, he see Fu Hua blush slightly

Y/N: Hmmm....... It seems like your left leg is the one who took the most. When you fight and force on it for a jump, does it hurt?

[Rework]The Medic (Honkai Impact x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now