Chapter 5: In the Dorm

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A/N: Hah

Narrator POV

Y/N was in his office, working and trying to find a way to cure his infection

Y/N: If I were to use that way, it could be risky, but it will work........ I need to do some test first

He heard some knocking, and hide the thing he was using, and smile

Y/N: You can enter!

The door opened, as Mei walked inside, and smile at Y/N

Mei: Hello Y/N! 

Y/N: Hello to you too, Mei. How are you doing recently?

Mei: I am doing quite good! I have taken rest like you suggested, and my arms are not as sore as before

Y/N: That is good to hear, now, is there anything I can do for you?

Mei: W-Well, actually, I talked with Theresa, and she said you need to help me control my Honkai energy, and mostly, my Herrscher form

Y/N: And how could I do that? I am not much of a fighter

Mei: She said that since you're immune to Honkai Infection, it will be easier

Y/N: Huh-uh, but I still don't understand why ME! A MEDIC! WHO CAN'T FIGHT! can do if you lose control

Mei: .........

Y/N: See? I can't do shit. So your Herrscher controling thingy is not for me. Can't you ask her instead to help you?

Mei: She said it will be too much trouble if it goes south.......

Y/n: Alright, let me make a call real quick

She nodded, before Y/N grabbed his phone, and call someone

Y/N: Hello? Theresa?....... Yes, I have a question for you.......... You asked Mei to see me for Herrscher control thing, right?.......... And you also said that it will be trouble if things goes south, right?........... THEN WHY IT WOULDN'T GO SOUTH WITH ME?!

Mei shivered a little by his sudden yell, as he continue

Y/N: SHE COULD HAVE LOST HER HONKAI ENERGY?! I COULD LOSE MY LIFE THERE!......... WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'Since I have Honkai Immunity, I can handle a Herrscher' HUH?! 

Mei: I-I think I will leave you alo-


Mei: Y-Yes sir!

Y/N: Now you hear me out! I AM going to help her control her Honkai energy, but FUCK YOUR HERRSCHER CONTROL!

He hang up the phone, before smiling gently at Mei, and clap his hands

Y/N: So! When do you want to start?

Mei: Uhm....... I-I don't want to bother you, you know?



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