A.U Chapter 10: Achievement

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Narrator POV

It's been a few days since Y/N came back to the Hyperion, and it wasn't the same as usual

Everyone was way more happy than before, and it was all thanks to Y/N's achievement known all around the ship

It was a feat no one managed to reach, and this, bringed hope to them

But now isn't the time to talk about that

Y/N was currently sitting in the training, watching Bronya display her Herrscher power

She slided in front of him, on her bike, and stopped a few feet away from him

Bronya: And that's the last thing I can show you

Y/N: Woah! It's really cool, Bronya!

Bronya: Hehe, I worked hard to get to that level

Y/N: And also you dropped all the 'The Bronya' and 'Subject' thing! You really changed! Like me!

Bronya: Oh?

Y/N: Yup! I can now endure even the most painful hit!

She flicked his forehead, as he fell on the ground, holding his forehead in pain


Bronya: You said you could endure the most painful hit, didn't you?


Bronya smiled, before she used Project Bunny to help Y/N up, as they both sat on the bench

Y/N: What a day, huh?

Bronya: I have a question, Y/N

Y/N: Go ahead, I shall answe-

Bronya: Were you there...... When Major Himeko died?

Y/N: ...........Yes, I was there. She even died in my arm

Bronya: ...........

Y/N: But I made a promise, not only to her, but also to Sirin

Bronya: The Herrscher of the Void?

Y/N: Yup! She was kind toward me, and even told me about herself. But anyway, I made a promise to them........ No matter what is in front of me, I will keep smiling, and laugh, enjoying the good side of everything in the world

Bronya: I see.........

Y/N: SO ANYWAY! I need your help!

Bronya: For what?

Y/N: We're going to do it! The 100% antidote against the Honkai!

Timeskip - Y/N POV

In a lab I was gifted with, Bronya was sitting on a chair, waiting

Y/N: Basically, with all of my research in the 5 past month, I managed to reach 70% in the cure. But, after that, the human blood wasn't strong enough to destroy the honkai, leaving 30% of it in the body

Bronya: Then, you thought Herrscher blood would help you reach the 100%, right?

Y/N: Exactly! And since you're an Herrscher, it will be done soon

Bronya: But, Mei joined World Serpent, right? Why didn't you took from he-

Y/N: The needles broke, her honkai energy is too strong and 'natural' compared to you and Kiana

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