A.U Chapter 7: Human's indomitable will

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A/N: Another one

Narrator POV

It's been now 1 month since Y/N joined the realm, and ever since he met Mobius, the other never saw him out of the lab

The progress they did was incredible, as Mobius knowledge of the Previous Era, and Y/N's genius of always finding a way to surpass the problem have proved itself worth

They went up to 50% at start, to an incredible 70% in 1 month

Of course, when Elysia tried to come into the lab, Mobius prevented her, even more than before, having this to say

Mobius: If you dare interrupt our research with your nonsense, I will make sure you regret it for the rest of you SIM life

She wasn't fond of Elysia interrupting her research, but since Y/N worked with her, she was more protective of his work

Talking about him..........

Y/N: The DNA seems to work just fine, but the honkai still resist the antidote. I need to add the right amount to not disturb the entire process

Mobius: Don't do it. With this amount, you will cause permanent trauma to the subject, as the honkai infection will not spread, but it will infect their nervous system

Y/N: Then, how should I do it?

Mobius: Redo it from the start, and give it the right amount this time

Y/N: Alright

The door was slightly open, as Elysia and Eden were looking at everything

Eden: Y/N seems so focused about his work, it's almost like we have a mini-Mobius

Elysia: I don't want Y/N to be like a mini-Mobius~! Ah! I know! He need to take some rest, so I make him meet the other Flamechasers! Who should be first~? Vill-V?

Eden: I don't know if Vill-V is a good start, she will surely try to get him to see all of her trick, taking his time, angering Mobius

Elysia: Hmmm.......... Then what about Aponia~?

Eden: Aponia could be a good encounter for Y/N, but she is in the Deep End, which isn't safe for him. Leaving only Pardo, Kosma, and Griseo. From what he told us, he already encountered Hua in his time, so meeting her once again means the same result than with Vill-V, but this time, he will be scolded

???: What are you two doing?

They looked behind, and see Klein, looking at them

They looked behind, and see Klein, looking at them

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