Chapter 1: The new Medic

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A/N: Nothing to say, except the Medic is back, and it's less messy, and more fun

And this time.........

Daily update until I get Fu Hua Azur Empyrea #1

Narrator POV

St.Freya Academy, a school made for future Valkyries to train against the Honkai

But, there are a lot of injuries with those sort of things, and SO! Medics have been asked a lot since the fight against Honkai started!

But, none were assigned for the Valkyries in training.........

That was until, the overseer of Schicksal, Otto  Apocalypse, decided to enter the game

Otto: And this is why, he will join your school as the medic of St.Freya, do you have anything to say, Theresa?

Theresa Apocalypse, granddaughter of the Overseer, and the head chief of the far east branch of Schicksal. She was the one leading St.Freya, and also a powerful Valkyrie

Theresa: I have no doubt about his skill, but for his sociability, in a girl with mostly girls.......

Otto: He is here to heal and save people, he doesn't care about the gender. And he is strong enough to protect himself

Theresa: How can I be so sure?

Otto: He scolded Durandal for overdoing it on a mission, and afterwards, refused to rest. Since then, she always take rest after a mission

Theresa: H-He is that serious on his job? Well, I have no other choice but to accept, anyway

Otto: Good, Y/N, you can enter

The door opened, as a young man walked inside the room, and saluted

Y/N: Y/N L/N! 16 years old! I will be the medic of St.Freya from now on! Pleasure to meet you!

Theresa: He seems like a soldier......

Otto: When he will be at ease, he will be more....... relaxed. Well, it is time for me to go to more important matters

Theresa: It was a pleasure, Grandpa

Otto smiled, before his hologram disappeard, leaving Y/N and Theresa alone

Theresa: Well, I should show your office, isn't it?

Y/N: Yis

Theresa: Well, you're less stressed than when you first talked, that's great

She got up from her seat, and Y/N instantly realized how short she was

Theresa: Have something to say about my height?

Y/N: Can I?

Theresa: No

Y/N: Then don't ask me

Theresa: Well, enough time wasting, I have your first mission as a Medic too

Y/N: Who do I heal?

Theresa: You see soon enough

Theresa leaded him to a resting room for injured people, and opened the door

When Y/N looked inside the room, he saw a girl with bandages all over her body, and for most people that would see her, they would say she is very pretty

[Rework]The Medic (Honkai Impact x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now