A.U Chapter 1: A Medic and an Herrscher of Wind

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A/N: I am not done with this story, you're not happy about it? Cry about it my haters

Let met explain. In order to NOT do another Honkai story again, I will just, follow the story with this one, but keep the main idea for Y/N, that is ONLY TO BE A MEDIC

Fuck Y/N being powerful, we're in Honkai, if you're a man, you die sooner than the worst female character

Anyway! Let's go! The story from now on will follow the game step by step, so don't worry about not knowing the game! If needed lore description, I can tell in the comments

Narrator POV

Y/N: God, it's me your boi, Y/N, please, make their mission a success.......

He keep praying and praying, until someone hit the back of his head, letting a small laugh

Himeko: The mission will be a success, don't worry about it

Y/N: I'm still stressed..... It's their first mission without a leader....... And Kiana isn't exactly the best leader in the world......

The squad leaded by Himeko was currently on a mission, to find the possible Herrscher of Wind

And Y/N was here, because all other units were just on not dangerous missions, and he didn't had anything to do

Himeko: She can hear you, you know?

Kiana: And I'm going to beat you reaaaaaly good when I come back~

Y/N: Oh my? Is that my fan talking right now?

Kiana: I'm not your fan!

Y/N: Forgot to care

Himeko: Kiana, how's the mission doing?

Kiana: Hehe! It's a piece of cake!

Y/N: She just jinxed herself....... Dear god, I swear if you make them come back safely, I will work harder and stop slacking off


Y/N: Sometimes, I still hear her voice in my head........

Bronya: Subject Y/N should let go, the accident was 10 years ago 

Mei: Calm down everyone, we are in a mission, after all

Bronya: The Bronya confirm no Honkai entity in the area, but a girl in a wheelchair

Y/N: Fuck off I'm not going down there

Himeko: She might need help

Y/N: I'm not a cliché Hero fuck you

Through the communication, the girl cry were heard

Y/N: She's faking it

Girl: Ooooh! The pain! The misery!

Y/N: You can die painfully by choking on your tongue!

Himeko: Y/N is going down, everyone!


Timeskip - Y/N POV

Y/N: I hate you from the bottom of my heart, Himeko

[Rework]The Medic (Honkai Impact x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now