Chapter 6: Promise

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A/N: Why did I left the daily chapter?

I have AE, that's why

Of course that's a lie, my computer was broken

Daily chapter start again

Narrator POV

Y/N was currently in a call, with none other than his boss, aka Otto Apocalypse

Otto: Is there anything new on your secret mission?

Y/N: What secret mission?

Otto: The one that I gived you before you go

Y/N: I tossed it in the toilet

Otto: Seriously?

Y/N: Yes, so what's the mission?

Otto: Well-

Y/N: Oh, I remember!

Otto: Goo-

Y/N: It's to be the best husband ever!

Otto: ........


He hang up the call, as Otto let out a sigh

Otto: In term of stupidity, you surpassed everything I saw, Y/N.......

???: Overseer, Durandal is ready to go

Otto: Good, tell her she can take a rest for the few days to come. Afterwards, she will need to go and take Y/N 

???: Understood

The person walked away, as Otto smirked

Otto: Soon........

With Y/N........

Mei: Y-Y/N! Do we really have to do it?!

Y/N: We have no other choice Mei, this is our destiny

Mei: B-But, this is too soon!

Y/N: Prepare yourself

Right now, Y/N and Mei were standing side by side, in wedding clothes

And somehow, Y/N was wearing the dress

Mei: A-And why are you wearing the dress?

Y/N: Because the one who will take care of the house, while the other work for the family, need to put the dress. And since you're a Valkyrie

Mei: O-Oh.......... Wait, that doesn't make sense at all!

Y/N: Indeed, but fuck logic, we will get married, one day or another

Suddendly, someone coughed, catching their attention

They turn to the owner of the voice, and see Himeko, quite angry

Himeko: You kids think it's funny to do this thing in front of a woman who don't have a lover? And that in the middle of the living room?

Y/N: What? Jealous?

Himeko: Yes, I am! Why can't I find someone already?!

Y/N: Then let me change that, Himeko

He grabbed her hand, and look at her, dead serious

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