A.U Chapter 3: Insanity

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A/N: I saw a pic of smug HoF Kiana, that made me want to update Honkai book

Narrator POV

Y/N's life was going downhill in just a few days

After the rescue mission of Mei and Bronya, Kiana was taken away by Schicksal, and they had to save her

Because he was a Medic, and they couldn't afford to put him in danger, he had to stay back at St.Freya, and wait

But, by doing this, they didn't know that Y/N will change forever

Y/N: I-It's going to be fine...... Everything will be fine, they will save her, and we will have a nice party, right after that......!

He tried to grab a glass of water, but when he touched it, it fell from his hands, breaking in pieces

Looking at his hands, he saw he was trembling, and no matter what, it wouldn't stop

Y/N: I........ I need to go....... I-I can't let them do everything.......

He started to walk out of his room, before everything stopped around him, before he heard the voice of the woman he saw a few days ago

???: Don't try to go there. You will only die like a fool there

Y/N: I-I.......

???: They will die, because they're weak. But you are different, Y/N. You can achieve great things, if you choose to join me, and stay by my side

Y/N: I........ I need to save them, even if I might die. Y-You already know how I am, right?

???: I know, and that is why I am stopping you. You won't go anywhere

Y/N: If I don't do it now......... I will never forgive myself

???: Then watch

In a snap, Y/N saw a part of the future, as his eyes widened in horror, before he fell to his knee, and hold his mouth, tears in his eyes

???: That is the future they're heading to, without you. Nothing good will happen with your death. They will be lost, and won't move forward, so please, do not go

Y/N: ..........

He got up, slowly, before he started to move forward, and spoke a few words

Y/N: Thank you, for worrying about me

He started to walk away, as the person behind him, shed a few tears

???: No matter how hard I try, you always end up doing this, Y/N...........

Y/N returned to his room, before he walked forward, determined to save everyone


He was experiencing hell right now

An Honkai Erruption just started, and the whole School of St.Freya was being attacked by Honkai Beasts

The students were trying their best to defend the school, but sadly, they were overwhelmed, and got killed

The beasts were getting closer and closer, as Y/N had trouble to heal all the injured people

Students: P-Please! S-Save us!

Y/N: I-I promise you! I-I will save you all! Gather all the injured people in the main hall! I will take care of them!

More and more students and teachers were being transported here, as Y/N was slowly starting to lose control

Not of the situation, but of himself

[Rework]The Medic (Honkai Impact x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now